foto: YouTube/@walerivera

The results are no less good than using styling tools.

  4 April 2024 02:25 - Perming is a method used to change hair into curls and curls. You can change this hairstyle at a beauty salon. However, changing your hairstyle at a beauty salon will make you spend extra money.

To save on maintenance costs , you can curl your hair at home. Most people curl their hair using a heating tool, namely a straightener or hair curler. Using heating tools can really form curly hair styles quickly.

However, excessive use of heating tools can cause hair damage, such as loss of moisture, dryness, breakage and split ends. To prevent damage to your hair, you need to reduce the use of hair styling tools. Instead, you can use a cleaning tool to replace the hair curler.

This trick is also used by a woman with the YouTube channel walerivera. In a short video he uploaded some time ago, he shows how to curl his hair with a toothbrush. The results are no less good than using styling tools .

So, are you curious about the tricks used by Walerivera? Come on, look at the information below as summarized by from the YouTube channel @walerivera, Thursday (4/4).

This woman shares how to curl various sources

photo: YouTube/@walerivera

1. Prepare a clean toothbrush
2. Take a few strands of hair
3. Roll the hair starting from the bottom upwards
4. When you reach the end, turn the toothbrush
5. Remove the toothpaste by turning it in the opposite direction
6. Do the same thing with the other strands of hair to form perfect curls.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.