
No need for expensive treatment, this fruit can restore moisture to super dry facial skin

  3 April 2024 15:10

Brilio.net - Apart from oily skin which is prone to acne, a skin problem that most people often experience is dry facial skin. Apart from being rough when touched, dry skin makes the face dull. Even if left alone, the skin will be susceptible to peeling, scaly, and premature aging.

The main cause of dry facial skin is a reduction in natural oils in the skin whose function is to hydrate. Genetic factors, using harsh cleansers, weather changes, fasting, and exfoliating too often are also reasons why someone has super dry facial skin .

This condition causes the skin to sag and show fine lines. Very dry skin is usually accompanied by other symptoms, such as sensitive skin, loss of its natural glow, and irritation or itching. To overcome this, the skin needs nutrition which can be obtained from moisturizer.

Apart from that, dry skin types also need more hydration, food and moisture than normal or oily skin. That is why super dry skin conditions need to be treated, so that it is not only smooth and radiant, but also supple and youthful.

You can care for very dry facial skin by having treatment at a beauty clinic, regularly using skincare that is formulated for dry skin or has high moisturizing content, and using natural ingredients .

So, you can copy the trick shared by one man via his personal TikTok account @nicputra, which contains how to plump up a very dry face using honey and an additional 1 type of fruit. The fruit in question is avocado.

"TIPS for dealing with dry skin naturally," said the man in the caption of the uploaded video, which briliobeauty.net quoted from the TikTok account @nicputra, Wednesday (3/4).

The benefits of honey for treating a very dry face.

Soothe very dry face TikTok

photo: TikTok/@nicputra

Honey is a natural sweetener that is not only consumed in the form of food or drink, but is also widely used as a beauty product. The ingredients in honey such as vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, amino acids, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus have a multitude of benefits for facial skin. One of the benefits of honey is to overcome very severe dry skin.

The antioxidant and natural moisturizing content in honey can act as an emollient, which keeps facial skin hydrated and moist even though it is exposed to various free radicals. As reported by Healthline, honey contains antioxidants and vitamin E which moisturize the skin and speed up the healing of skin cells.

Contains avocado to moisturize and plump dry face.

Soothe very dry face TikTok

photo: TikTok/@nicputra

Avocado is a fruit that contains natural fats and various other vitamins. Thanks to these ingredients, avocado is effective for treating various skin problems, including dry or very dry facial skin. Reporting from Healthline, the fat, compound and vitamin content in avocados can help speed up skin repair.

The content of vitamin A, natural fats, vitamin C and antioxidants in it is also claimed to be effective in maintaining moisture and making facial skin smoother and more supple. The vitamin A in it is also effective in increasing new cell growth and collagen production which can keep skin firm.

With just these two natural ingredients you can make a face mask that is believed to be able to moisturize very dry faces and make them more supple. You can even treat a dull face with this natural mask, you know. Here's how to make and use it.

Soothe very dry face TikTok

photo: TikTok/@nicputra


- 1/2 ripe avocado
- 1 tablespoon pure honey

How to create and use:

1. Puree the tomatoes using a spoon or blender until really soft
2. Add honey then stir both until evenly mixed
3. Wash your face first and make sure it is clean of dirt and any remaining makeup that is still attached
4. Apply the mask to your face completely (you can also apply it to other areas of your body's skin, such as your hands and feet)
5. Leave it for 10-15 minutes
6. Rinse using water until clean
7. Continue using moisturizer
8. Do this method regularly 2-3 times a week to get a supple and dry-free face.

@nicputra TIPS for dealing with dry skin naturally! #viral #fyp #foryoupage #foru #samasamabelajar #shareknowledge #sharefacts #tips #skinkering #nicputra original sound - NIC PUTRA - Nic Putra
