foto: Instagram/@ruang.dagelan;

The barber is really good at making weird hair styles.

  4 Februari 2024 21:00 - You may have seen people with strange hairstyles. People choose unique hairstyles because it is an expression of their creativity and personality. Unique and unconventional hairstyles are often seen as a form of individual freedom to express themselves without the constraints of social norms .

It could be that people choose strange hair because they want to be cool. However, the execution may not run smoothly. As a result, their hairstyles also make you feel ilfeel. Maybe they also don't chat with their friends when choosing a hairstyle. But by the way, what's that weird hairstyle?

An example is the following image. All of them are hilarious portraits of hairstyles whose intention is to be cool but the fall actually makes you feel bad, compiled by on Sunday (4/2) from various sources. Without having to wait any longer, just check the picture.

1. The angle of his hair really looks like half 9, right?

Hairstyles make you feel different from various sources

photo: Instagram/@ruang.dagelan

2. How similar?

Hairstyles make you feel different from various sources


3. The barber is really good at doing this.

Hairstyles make you feel different from various sources


4. This is good, when it's hot it's not too hot.

Hairstyles make you feel different from various sources


5. Weird but not too strange.

Hairstyles make you feel different from various sources


6. This is the furthest by far.

Hairstyles make you feel different from various sources


7. The holes fit really well.

Hairstyles make you feel different from various sources


8. This is also too eccentric .

Hairstyles make you feel different from various sources


9. This must be a joke from his friends.

Hairstyles make you feel different from various sources

photo: Twitter/@guruGalau

10. The Avatar has appeared to save the world.

Hairstyles make you feel different from various sources

photo: Facebook/Giridharan Smart

11. I think this is Upin's reincarnation.

Hairstyles make you feel different from various sources

photo: Facebook/Christy Zavala

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.