hl: TikTok/@runa.ucupz & freepik.com
Brilio.net - As we get older, everyone will experience wrinkles on their face. Wrinkles are small folds or lines that form on facial skin as part of the natural aging process. Usually this aging process is experienced by someone who is entering old age or around 30 years and over. However, it is not only caused by increasing age. Wrinkles can also be influenced by several other factors.
For example, external factors such as sun exposure, smoking, air pollution and unhealthy lifestyles. The natural aging process causes the skin to lose moisture and elasticity with age and lifestyle, so wrinkles begin to appear. Wrinkles can appear in various areas of the face, including around the eyes (eye wrinkles), forehead, lips and around the mouth. That said, wrinkles can be a sign of aging, but they can also be influenced by genetics, lifestyle and environmental exposure.
Prevention and reduction of wrinkles can be done by keeping the skin hydrated, using sunscreen to protect the skin from UV rays, avoiding smoking, consuming nutritious foods, and using appropriate skin care products. There are some people who choose to treat facial wrinkles to make them firmer by undergoing medical treatment, such as using anti-aging cream, laser treatment, thread pulling or Botox injections. There are also people who use natural ingredients as facial masks to treat wrinkles.
One of the natural ingredients commonly used to treat wrinkles on the face is avocado and honey. Honey contains vitamin E and antioxidants which are useful for maintaining skin moisture and suppleness. However, the honey used must be pure honey that has not been mixed with any additional ingredients.
The content and benefits of honey for treating facial aging.
Honey is a sweet and thick liquid produced by honey bees from flower nectar or nectar secretions in the form of honey dew which is stored in the beehive and fermented by enzymes contained in the bee's mouth. Honey is a natural product that has been used by humans since ancient times for food consumption, medicine and skin care.
photo: TikTok/@runa.ucupz
Honey contains various antioxidants, including flavonoids and polyphenols, which help fight free radicals and relieve oxidative stress, which is a major factor in skin aging. Not only that, honey also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which help reduce inflammation of the skin so that it can prevent damage due to infection or irritation. The thick texture of honey means that the natural sugar content in honey can help maintain skin moisture, prevent dry skin and increase its elasticity.
Apart from that, honey is a natural ingredient that has a number of vitamins and minerals such as vitamins B, C, E, as well as iron, calcium and magnesium, which help keep the skin healthy. And most importantly, the antioxidants in honey help stimulate the production of collagen, a protein that is important for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness, thereby reducing wrinkles and fine lines.
Avocados contain lots of vitamins which are good for maintaining healthy skin.Not only is it good for body health, the benefits of avocado for the face and beauty are also undoubted. Avocado is a fruit that comes from the avocado tree (Persea americana), which is also known as pear avocado. This fruit has dark green to dark purple skin and flesh that is green or yellow, soft or fatty. Avocados are a source of nutrients such as vitamin K, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin B and potassium. Avocados also contain healthy fats (especially monounsaturated fatty acids), fiber, vitamins and minerals.
photo: TikTok/@runa.ucupz
Rich in ingredients that are beneficial for the face, it is not surprising that this fruit is quite popular in treating wrinkles on the face. Manganese and vitamin C in avocado play an important role in collagen production. Collagen is what maintains skin elasticity. Apart from that, avocados also contain healthy fats which can help reduce wrinkles on the face. You could say, the nutrients and antioxidants in avocado can protect the skin from damage due to sun exposure. Well, using avocado as a facial mask will make the skin firmer and free from fine lines.
After knowing the benefits of each ingredient used, now is the time for you to see how to make an effective face mask to treat facial wrinkles. Come on, see how to make and use it below. Reported by briliobeauty.net from the TikTok account @runa.ucupz, Sunday (10/3) which shares tips for dealing with wrinkles or fine lines using natural ingredients.
photo: TikTok/@runa.ucupz
- 1/2 avocado
- 1 tablespoon pure honey
How to create and use:
photo: TikTok/@runa.ucupz
1. Cut the avocado into two parts then just take out the flesh.
2. Put the avocado flesh in a container then mash it using a spoon.
3. Don't forget to add 1 spoon or taste of honey to the avocado.
4. Mix the two ingredients until evenly mixed and smooth.
5. After that, apply the avocado and honey mixture mask to your face using a facial brush.
6. Leave it for a few moments then cover your face. Do this method regularly to get a youthful face.