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Acne appears caused by excessive oil production.

  10 Maret 2024 10:05

Brilio.net - Everyone wants to be free from various skin problems . Including the problem of acne, acne is a facial skin problem that is quite disturbing for many people. The reason is that it not only makes the face textured but also leaves black marks that make the face look full of blemishes. Usually acne appears during puberty, aged 11-18 years and over. This can be influenced by hormones, unhealthy lifestyles, or caused by skin types that tend to be oily.

Reporting from Healthline (10/3), this condition is caused by blockages in the skin pores, specifically the hair follicles. Well, in the hair follicles there are oil glands which naturally produce sebum to maintain moisture and protect the skin. Acne appears caused by excessive oil production, a buildup of dead skin cells, or even small bumps that sometimes contain pus on the skin.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), acne-prone skin is a common condition experienced by 9.4 percent of people on earth. Even though it is not a serious disease, acne is quite disturbing to a person's appearance. Therefore, people who have acne want to get better quickly. Not infrequently, you tend to squeeze pimples in the hope of speeding up healing. In fact, this method actually makes acne worse and even leaves scars that are difficult to remove.

One of the right solutions to treat acne scars is to use anti-acne skincare or use natural ingredients such as coffee and honey. These two ingredients apparently have many benefits for facial skin, one of which is being able to treat acne scars .

What are the benefits of coffee for treating acne scars?

Acne-prone skin conditions are caused by excessive production of sebum (oil). After acne heals, it usually leaves black or reddish spots on the face. Therefore, you not only treat acne but the scars too. According to Healthline, the nutritional content in coffee can help disguise stubborn acne scars, thereby reducing the scars.

Apart from that, coffee scrubs can also be used as an exfoliant which can help clean dead skin cells and even out skin texture. This exfoliation can help reduce acne scars and improve skin tone to make it brighter. Not only that, coffee grounds also contain antioxidants and antibacterials which help repair skin damage caused by sun exposure. Meanwhile, the chlorogenic acid in coffee has antibacterial properties so coffee is useful for treating acne, wounds and skin infections.

Honey is very useful in helping lighten acne scars.

There are various studies that state that honey is one of the natural acne remedies that nature has used. This may be because the substance contained in honey is said to help heal wounds quickly, including treating acne naturally. Reporting from the Central Asian Journal of Global Health (10/2) claims that honey content can inhibit the growth of various bacteria on the skin.

For example, the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes p. acnes) causes acne. This is due to the antibacterial and antiseptic properties of hydrogen peroxide in honey so that it can accelerate the growth of damaged skin layers, increase collagen levels to repair skin and remove scars. With a multitude of benefits, it is not surprising that honey is used to treat acne, acne and acne scars.

These two natural ingredients can indeed be used to treat acne scars that won't disappear and help brighten the face. As this beauty vlogger did, she shows a simple way to treat acne scars with two ingredients that are always available at home. Reported by brilio.net from Adzilanie Izzati's YouTube channel, Sunday (10/3), here's how to treat acne scars using a coffee and honey mask that you can follow.


How to fade acne scars using 2 kitchen ingredients  2024 brilio.net

photo: YouTube/@Adzilanie Izzati

- Coffee powder
- Pure honey
- Mineral water

How to use:

How to fade acne scars using 2 kitchen ingredients  2024 brilio.net

photo: YouTube/@Adzilanie Izzati

1. Prepare a container then add enough coffee powder. Choose instant coffee powder without any sugar mixed in at all.

2. Put a little water into the coffee grounds. Then add honey to taste. The dosage can be adjusted to your needs.

3. Stir until everything is evenly distributed, after that you can apply it all over your face.

4. After applying it to the face, leave the mask made from natural ingredients coffee and honey for 25-30 minutes.

5. For maximum results, you can use a coffee mask regularly 2-3 times a week.
