- As we age, aging not only occurs in the skin but also in the hair, which begins to turn gray due to the loss of melanin pigment. The decrease in melanocyte cell activity in hair follicles causes melanin production to slow down or stop, changing the hair color to lighter or white.
The appearance of gray hair cannot be prevented, but it can be overcome by covering it with hair dye. However, without having to buy hair dye, gray hair can be overcome with natural ingredients such as urang aring. Urang aring contains antioxidants that fight free radicals in follicles and scalp, and prevent premature aging of hair. The anti-inflammatory properties in urang aring also help overcome inflammation of the scalp.
In addition, fenugreek seeds can be used to naturally darken hair. Fenugreek contains lecithin which prevents hair loss and stimulates hair growth, as well as increasing blood circulation to nourish the hair.
Ginger, with its gingerol content, stimulates hair growth and increases blood flow, helping to regenerate gray hair. Aloe vera in this concoction also plays an important role in moisturizing and maintaining healthy hair.
By using these main ingredients, gray hair can be blackened again. So how do you make and use it? For those of you who don't know, let's take a peek at the steps below.
tricks to darken gray hair
YouTube/Beauty cooking
1. 1 tablespoon fenugreek seeds
2. 2 tablespoons of water
3. 1 piece of ginger
4. 1 piece of aloe vera
5. 1 tablespoon of ground coffee
6. 1 tablespoon indigo powder
7. 1 tablespoon hibiscus powder
8. 1 tablespoon henna powder.
How to make:
tricks to darken gray hair
YouTube/Beauty cooking
1. Put the fenugreek seeds in a bowl
2. Pour in the water
3. Cover the bowl and let it sit for about 10 minutes.
4. Clean and cut the ginger into several small pieces.
5. Put it in a pan
6. Add the aloe vera pieces to the pan.
7. Pour in enough water
8. Add ground coffee and fenugreek infusion.
9. Stir all ingredients until well mixed.
10. Cook until boiling
11. Let it sit for a while until it cools down.
12. Pour into a container while filtering
13. Mix in the indigo powder which you can get in the marketplace.
14. Add hibiscus and henna powder
15. Stir all ingredients until well mixed.
16. Cover and leave for approximately one hour.
How to apply it:
tricks to darken gray hair
YouTube/Beauty cooking
1. Tidy your hair first
2. Apply the mixture evenly throughout the hair.
3. Leave it for about an hour
4. Then, rinse using water without shampoo.
5. By using this potion, gray hair turns black again.