; TikTok/@desikitchenette2023

The appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the face occurs when the skin loses its elasticity

  10 Mei 2024 16:10 - There are various signs of skin aging that appear when a person is over 40 years old. The reason is that at this age, collagen production in the skin also decreases, so the skin is prone to sagging , wrinkles, fine lines, wrinkles and black spots appear.

Even so, in fact many people hope that their face will remain firm and youthful even though they are older. But unfortunately, quite a few people still ignore the health and beauty of their facial skin. For example, leaving your face dry and exposed to pollution and sunlight for too long without protection.

Therefore, the face will be damaged and susceptible to various signs of aging. Not only dry skin and sun exposure can trigger wrinkles and fine lines. The effects of stress, hormonal changes, rarely exfoliating the skin, and not using sunscreen or skincare, can accelerate facial aging.

The appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the face can occur when the skin loses its elasticity, and can no longer maintain the shape and texture of the face as before. This is because the elastin component in skin tissue also decreases. Not only that, skin regeneration also starts to slow down and makes it difficult for the skin to repair itself.

So, if you are one of the people who experiences this condition, there is no need to worry because this problem can be overcome in various ways. Starting from having treatments at beauty clinics, using antiaging skincare products, to using natural ingredients as routine care.

In fact, natural ingredients are no less effective than treatments and skincare that drain your wallet. You can copy the trick shared by a TikTok user with the account name @desikitchenette2023, who uses potatoes, rice flour and lemon as basic ingredients to care for your skin.

3 Ingredients to remove wrinkles and fine lines on the face  2024 TikTok

3 ingredients remove wrinkles and fine lines on the face
2024 TikTok/@desikitchenette2023

Potato content to overcome wrinkles and fine lines on the face.

Potatoes contain protein, fiber, sugar, vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin K and potassium which are beneficial for beautiful skin. Apart from being consumed, potatoes can also be processed into facial masks. These tubers are rich in catecholase enzymes which can brighten the skin and disguise black spots due to sun exposure. The various active ingredients in potatoes also function to increase collagen production in the skin. It's not surprising that this natural ingredient is able to treat wrinkles and fine lines on the face.

The benefits of rice flour for treating various signs of facial aging.

Rice flour can stimulate collagen production which helps tighten the skin thanks to the antioxidant content in it. Rice flour can also act as a natural exfoliator, which can lighten dark spots and black spots on the face.

Lemon can delay the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the face.

Lemon can also treat and delay various skin problems thanks to its high vitamin C content. Lemon is also believed to increase collagen, so the skin remains firm and wrinkle-free. The vitamin C and antioxidant content in lemons is claimed to be able to prevent free radicals that cause collagen damage, in an effort to prevent the appearance of fine lines and sagging face.

You can use these three ingredients as a facial mask which is claimed to be effective in removing wrinkles and fine lines on the face. Regular use will make your face firm and youthful. Here's how to make and use it, as reported by from the TikTok account @desikitchenette2023, Friday (10/5).


3 Ingredients to remove wrinkles and fine lines on the face  2024 TikTok

3 ingredients remove wrinkles and fine lines on the face
2024 TikTok/@desikitchenette2023

- 1 potato
- 1 tablespoon rice flour
- 5 drops of lemon juice

How to create and use:

3 Ingredients to remove wrinkles and fine lines on the face  2024 TikTok

3 ingredients remove wrinkles and fine lines on the face
2024 TikTok/@desikitchenette2023

1. Peel the potatoes until clean.
2. Grate the potatoes then squeeze them and just extract the juice.
3. Let the potato juice sit for 5 minutes to get the sediment.
4. Discard the potato water and take out only the white sediment.
5. Add rice flour and lemon juice to the potato juice.
6. Stir the three ingredients until evenly mixed.
7. Wash your face first before applying the mask.
8. Apply the mask to your face thoroughly.
9. Leave it until dry then rinse with water until clean.
10. Continue using moisturizer.
11. Do this method regularly 2-3 times a week to get a youthful face.
