foto: - Everyone who reaches the age of 50 will definitely experience various signs of aging on their facial skin. Some of the signs of aging that usually appear are wrinkles, wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. Not without reason, this condition occurs due to a decrease in collagen and elastin production in the skin.
Collagen is a skin component that plays a role in maintaining skin firmness. Meanwhile, elastin is also a skin component that works to maintain skin elasticity. Well, both will experience a decrease in production as a person ages. Even in old age, skin regeneration also slows down, so the skin will have difficulty repairing itself.
The face is the part of the body that sags and ages the fastest. This condition occurs when the natural oil production in the skin decreases, making it dry and appears shriveled. In fact, the fat in the inner layers of the skin is reduced, which makes the skin look saggy and wrinkles appear on the facial area.
Wrinkles and sagging skin are also exacerbated by several external factors. Such as excessive UV rays, unprotected exposure to sunlight, cigarette smoke, side effects of certain medications, excessive stress, drastic weight loss, lack of vitamin E, and genetic factors. Even though it is common when someone ages, wrinkles and sagging skin are enough to make you feel less self-confident.
It's not wrong that many people are looking for ways to tighten their skin to make it look younger. Like the upload from the TikTok account @betha.beauty_health which shares tricks to fade wrinkles and prevent sagging skin using three natural ingredients, namely coffee grounds, honey and rose water. This method turns out to be effective in making your face look youthful at the age of 60.
"Don't panic!! This is the way to be free from wrinkles, stay young at the age of 60," he wrote as a caption for the uploaded video, reported by from the TikTok account @betha.beauty_health, Tuesday (7/5).
Tighten wrinkles and prevent sagging face aged 60
Coffee contains to treat aging facial skin.
As a drink that is often consumed to treat drowsiness, it turns out you can also use coffee to treat aging skin, you know. Not without reason, coffee is rich in antioxidants. The antioxidant content in coffee works effectively to prevent a decrease in collagen levels and helps increase elastin production. This is what will make the skin firmer.
According to the American Chemical Society, the benefits of coffee for the face come from its high antioxidant content. The combination of caffeine and antioxidants in coffee is believed to be able to ward off various free radicals, so that facial skin becomes healthier, brighter and more youthful.
The benefits of honey for treating wrinkles and tightening a sagging face.
Honey is also a natural ingredient that is effective in treating various skin problems, one of which is wrinkles and sagging skin on the face. Because the very rich vitamin and mineral content in honey is believed to soothe the skin and remove fine lines, wrinkles, as well as blemishes and black spots on facial skin.
Rose water is effective in delaying various signs of skin aging.
This is no exception to rose water which also contains antioxidants in it. This natural ingredient is believed to be effective in warding off free radicals and inhibiting skin damage which can make it age and wrinkle more quickly. Vitamins A and C in rose water can also stimulate collagen formation to make the face firmer.
You can process the three ingredients mentioned into a mask that can tighten sagging skin. This mask will also make those of you who are 60 years old look younger because the wrinkles on your face are hidden. Here's how to make it.
Tighten wrinkles and prevent sagging face aged 60
1. 1 tablespoon coffee powder
2. 2 tablespoons honey
3. 1 tablespoon rose water
How to make:
Tighten wrinkles and prevent sagging face aged 60
1. Pour the ingredients mentioned into the container
2. Stir the three ingredients until evenly mixed
3. Wash your face first and make sure your face is really clean
4. Apply the mask to your face thoroughly
5. Leave it for 20-30 minutes then rinse with water until clean
6. Dry your face then use moisturizer
7. Use this antiaging mask regularly to get firmer and wrinkle-free skin.
@betha.beauty_health Don't Panic!! This is How to Be Free from Wrinkles, Stay Young at the Age of 60 #youthful #beautifultips #healthytips #facewrinkles #wrinkles #naturalbeauty Nirvana - Official Sound Studio