foto:; TikTok/@muslimakanwl607

Apart from wrinkles, this natural mask is also effective for treating black spots and a dull face.

  7 Mei 2024 19:10 - There are various signs of skin aging which can be quite disturbing to your appearance and reduce your self-confidence. Some of them are wrinkles and facial skin that appears sagging. Wrinkles and facial sagging are common problems experienced by most people when they are 30 years old or above.

This condition occurs because the collagen and elastin in the skin decreases, so that the skin tissue begins to weaken and wrinkles appear and the skin begins to sag. In fact, collagen and elastin are important components that play a role in maintaining skin firmness and suppleness.

However, this problem can also arise in someone who is still young, you know. This is due to various factors such as excessive sun exposure, not maintaining skin moisture, unhealthy lifestyles, pollution, dry skin, and the effects of stress. These various factors will damage collagen tissue and slow down skin regeneration. As a result, the skin will have difficulty repairing itself from damage.

In fact, quite a few people want their skin to remain firm even though they are older . No need to worry, because you can overcome it in various ways. Starting from carrying out treatments at beauty clinics such as antiaging facials, using skincare specifically for aging, to using natural ingredients.

Antiaging facials are an instant solution to getting a firm and wrinkle-free face. However, carrying out this treatment requires quite a lot of money. Therefore, not everyone is able to do it. Another solution, you can use natural ingredients which are more economical but no less effective than antiaging facials.

So, you can watch the uploaded video from a TikTok user with the account name @muslimakanwl607. In the video, he actually uses two kitchen ingredients to tighten a sagging face full of wrinkles. The kitchen ingredients in question are egg whites and granulated sugar.

Treat a sagging face and full of wrinkles without antiaging facials. Various sources

photo: TikTok/@muslimakanwl607

The content and benefits of egg whites for treating wrinkles and sagging faces.

Egg whites are a source of animal protein which has a multitude of benefits for health and beauty. Reporting from the Healthline page, egg whites contain vitamins and minerals needed to improve brain and nerve function. The vitamin content in egg whites is also effective in treating skin aging problems, you know.

This natural ingredient also contains very high protein. Apart from protein, egg whites also contain albumin which is claimed to help tighten loose skin. The vitamin A content in it is also effective for reducing facial wrinkles and preventing skin damage.

It turns out that granulated sugar can also tighten facial skin.

Who would have thought that granulated sugar also has benefits for reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and sagging facial skin. This is thanks to the glycolic acid content in granulated sugar which acts as a skin exfoliator, to trigger the regeneration of new skin cells and increase collagen production.

With just egg whites and granulated sugar, you can make a mask that is believed to be able to tighten a sagging and wrinkled face. In fact, this mask is also effective for dealing with the problem of black spots and a dull face, you know. Come on, see how to make and use it, as reported by from the TikTok account @muslimakanwl607, Tuesday (7/5).

Treat a sagging face and full of wrinkles without antiaging facials. Various sources

photo: TikTok/@muslimakanwl607


- 1 egg white
- 1 tablespoon granulated sugar

How to create and use:

1. Crack the egg and take the white only.
2. Add granulated sugar then stir both until evenly mixed.
3. Stir or shake until you get a more liquid texture .
4. Wash your face first until it is clean of dirt and makeup residue.
5. Apply the mask to your face thoroughly.

Treat a sagging face and full of wrinkles without antiaging facials. Various sources

photo: TikTok/@muslimakanwl607

6. Leave it for 15-20 minutes or until dry.
7. Rinse using water until clean.
8. Continue using moisturizer.
9. Do this regularly 2-3 times a week to get a firm and wrinkle-free face.
