
Acne can also occur due to excessive use of makeup.

  13 Juni 2024 14:18 - Acne or in the medical world known as acne vulgaris is a skin problem that often occurs in adolescence, but can also occur among adults. In adolescence, acne usually appears due to puberty.

Meanwhile, in adults, acne appears due to hormonal changes which produce a lot of oil in the skin. This condition occurs in women at certain times, such as menstruation and pregnancy. During menstruation, acne appears before menstruation. Then in pregnant women, acne usually appears during the first 3 months of pregnancy.

Not only that, acne can also occur due to excessive use of makeup. Using makeup without cleaning your face can trigger acne.

Then another factor comes from a dirty cellphone. Many people still don't know this factor, that the cellphone you use may be very dirty. You often touch dirty objects and then hold your cell phone.

Well, dirty hands transfer bacteria to the cellphone. This makes the cellphone a nest for bacteria. When used for phone calls, there is a high risk of making your face spotty.

The appearance of acne on your face makes you feel inferior. Well, to get rid of acne you don't need acne cream, you know. The reason is, there are other methods that you can apply. As recently shared by the girl who owns the Instagram account @glowgettergirls.

Through uploads on his Instagram account, he only uses one spice, namely ginger . So, to do this, you can follow the trick below:


- 1 segment of ginger.

How to create and use:

get rid of acne using ginger. various sources

photo: Instagram/@glowgettergirls

1. Divide the ginger into two parts
2. Grate the ginger and squeeze until the water comes out
3. You can use a concoction of ginger
4. Clean your face first
5. Dip the remaining ginger pieces in the ginger soaking water
6. Use it to rub your face, especially on areas with acne
7. Wait a few minutes
8. Rinse using normal water
9. Use this method regularly so that acne disappears.

Benefits of ginger to get rid of acne.

Ginger is a spice that has many benefits for the body's health. Not only does it have cleansing benefits for the body, but ginger can also get rid of acne on the face. Reported by from Vogue India, Thursday (13/6) ginger has antibacterial properties which can kill bacteria that cause acne.

Meanwhile, the antioxidant properties of ginger can protect the skin from the dangers of free radicals and make the face smooth. The presence of vitamin C in ginger can increase collagen production, making your face look youthful. Vitamin C in this spice can also regenerate cells. Therefore, applying ginger can brighten facial skin.
