foto: TikTok/@santrp_

Retinol is a derivative of vitamin A.

  19 Juni 2024 18:46 - Acne is indeed one of the facial skin problems that is quite disturbing and makes the sufferer feel self-conscious. This skin problem generally occurs in the facial area, because it has more sweat glands and is susceptible to exposure to free radicals.

This condition occurs due to blockage by sebum, dirt (such as makeup residue, dust and dead skin cells) which mixes with bacteria, causing inflammation. Well, this inflammation is called acne.

Even though it's quite disturbing, that doesn't mean acne can't be cured, you know. Acne can improve over time with proper treatment. These include diligently cleaning your face, using suitable skincare, and consuming foods that are high in fiber and low in fat.

In line with this, recently there was a girl who shared the process of her struggle to recover from acne just by using retinol skincare. He shared changes in his face over time via his personal TikTok account @santrp_.

Girl shares her struggle to recover from acne thanks to retinol TikTok

photo: TikTok/@santrp_

" My acne is over ," he wrote in the caption of the uploaded video, which reported from the TikTok account @santrp_, Wednesday (19/6).

Through the 30 second upload, you can see a girl who has acne on several parts of her face. The acne looks red and inflamed, especially on the forehead and cheeks. He was sad about the condition of his face at that time.

Girl shares her struggle to recover from acne thanks to retinol TikTok

photo: TikTok/@santrp_

In the next few seconds, the girl known as San showed progress on her face which was getting better. The acne on her face was no longer red and inflamed, but began to dry out and fade. Until the end of the video, her face is really shiny and looks smooth. There wasn't even the slightest acne scar on his face.

Not without reason, San's face completely recovered from the inflamed acne thanks to regular use of retinol skincare. Because as is known, retinol itself is one of the active ingredients in skincare which has a multitude of benefits for the face.

Girl shares her struggle to recover from acne thanks to retinol TikTok

photo: TikTok/@santrp_

As reported by Vogue, retinol is a derivative of vitamin A. Vitamin A itself is a substance in the body that is very important for encouraging cell turnover in the body. For this reason, skincare containing retinol can accelerate skin cell turnover, reduce acne, treat dull skin, and increase collagen production.

Thanks to its ability to accelerate skin regeneration, retinol is very effective in fading acne and scars. Not only that, this active ingredient is also effective in brightening the skin and evening out skin tone with the right concentration. It's not surprising that San's face automatically becomes smooth and shiny even though he previously had inflamed acne.

Even so, you need to pay attention to the correct way to use retinol so that it doesn't have a bad impact on facial skin. The reason is, retinol is an active substance that is quite strong and can irritate the skin if not used according to the dosage. So, the retinol skincare that you can try is serum, facial cream, facial wash, and even masks.

Reported by Healthline, for beginners, you can start using retinol with a low concentration, such as 0.2 percent. After that, you can move to a higher concentration gradually. The safest high retinol concentration is 1 percent.

Next, make sure not to use too much retinol. Just twice a week is enough so that the skin doesn't become irritated (this is important for those with sensitive skin). So, another way is to do a patch test first before using the retinol skincare product that you are going to use.

@santrp_ My acne is over titi #acnefighter #acne fighter #fyp original sound - spedx8
