
The skin of this fruit has natural exfoliating properties that help facial skin look radiant.

  24 Februari 2024 20:00 - As people move into the adult phase, generally people will be more often involved in busy activities that have to be done outside. This makes many people more frequently exposed to sunlight mixed with surrounding pollution. As a result, some areas of the skin will experience a darkening process, which in the process can give rise to black spots.

In general, black spots consist of 2 types, namely spots and acne scars. Spots are blackish brown spots that appear as a result of hyperpigmentation triggered by sun exposure. Meanwhile, acne scars arise as a consequence of the process of repairing skin tissue damaged by acne which produces blackish scars. The appearance of these black spots will create the impression of uneven, dirty and dull skin color.

One of the most effective substances in treating hyperpigmentation problems on the skin is vitamin C. This compound has the ability to inhibit melanin production which is triggered by the hyperpigmentation process. Plus, vitamin C is also rich in antioxidant properties which make it effective in reducing skin damage caused by sun exposure and free radicals. In fact, vitamin C can also stimulate the skin regeneration process and give the impression of brighter and more youthful skin.

So, did you know that you can make an alternative toner that also contains vitamin C from natural ingredients? The trick is to use orange peel, as demonstrated by @organic_beauty0037 on Instagram as reported by on Saturday (24/2).

vitamin C for the face  Instagram


Orange peel contains antioxidants and vitamin C compounds such as ascorbic acid. Reporting from HealthShots, this compound allows orange peel to provide a bright skin effect by reducing melanin production which triggers the appearance of black spots.

Meanwhile, the antioxidant properties in orange peel help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals and UV rays which can accelerate skin damage. Not only that, orange peel also has natural exfoliating properties which help facial skin look radiant.

You can use the ingredients above to make a natural vitamin C toner in the following way.

Tools and materials:

1. 1-2 fresh oranges
2. Empty spray bottle
3. Sufficient clean water
4. Spoon or knife

Working steps:

vitamin C for the face  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@organic_beauty0037

1. Peel 1-2 oranges and separate the skin to use.
2. Scrape the white fibers from the orange peel using a knife or spoon.
3. Boil the orange peel in a little water, then add orange juice with it (optional).
4. Once the color turns yellow enough, filter the water into an empty spray bottle .
5. Use this solution regularly and whenever needed, as a toner or face mist.
6. This concoction can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 15 days.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.