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28 Februari 2024 19:45

An example of a good and clean school environment, understand the benefits and impacts for children

A clean school environment can also increase students' sense of pride and confidence in their school Dinar Nur Zaky Achmad
foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - The school environment refers to all the physical and social aspects that exist in and around the environment where education takes place. Examples of the school environment include all buildings and facilities within the school, such as classrooms, laboratories, libraries, sports halls, and school gardens.

Apart from that, examples of a good school environment include relationships between students, teachers, school employees, as well as parents and the surrounding community. On the other hand, the school environment also includes safety, cleanliness and comfort of the learning space.

This also includes behavioral norms and rules to create an example of a good and clean school environment, as well as a learning environment that is supported by technology and actual teaching materials. The school environment can also be a forum for developing students' character and personality through various extracurricular activities and character education programs.

An example of a school environment that is good, clean, conducive and has a positive influence can provide a better learning experience for students. As summarized by brilio.net from various sources, the following are examples of a good and clean school environment, understand the benefits and impacts for children, Wednesday (28/2).

Benefits of a good and clean school environment

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A good and clean school environment has many benefits for students, teachers and all school members. A clean environment can create a feeling of comfort and safety for students and teachers.

With a clean environment, students will feel more focused and enthusiastic when studying. Apart from that, a clean environment can also reduce the risk of disease and infection that can spread between students and teachers.

A good and clean school environment can also create awareness of cleanliness and health among students. They will learn to care for the surrounding environment and get used to maintaining cleanliness. This will help create good behavior in the future regarding cleanliness and the environment.

A clean school environment can also increase students' sense of pride and confidence in their school. They will feel more proud and happy to be in a clean and tidy environment.

This can also make them more enthusiastic about learning and participating in school activities. Therefore, it is important for schools to maintain the cleanliness and quality of their school environment.

The impact of a good and clean school environment

photo: freepik.com

The impact of a good and clean school environment on children is very important to support their growth. A clean and well-maintained environment will have a positive influence on children's health. Clean air will help prevent respiratory diseases and allergies that can affect their health.

Apart from that, a clean environment can also influence children's concentration and focus on learning. With a neat and orderly environment, it will be easier for children to focus on lessons and learning activities at school. This will help them to achieve optimal learning potential.

Overall, the impact of a good and clean school environment on children is very important in supporting growth, health, concentration on learning, as well as forming a caring attitude towards the environment in children. Therefore, it is important to always maintain the cleanliness and beauty of the school environment for the welfare of children.

An example of a good and clean school environment

photo: freepik.com

An example of a good and clean school environment has several important characteristics. School facilities, such as classrooms, toilets and school grounds, must be kept clean and well maintained. Apart from that, a neat and orderly spatial arrangement also creates a comfortable and enjoyable environment for studying.

1. Classroom cleanliness

In the classroom, cleanliness can be maintained by doing various things. Some of these include cleaning tables and chairs after use, sweeping the floor every day, cleaning whiteboards after use, as well as providing trash cans and trying to always dispose of trash properly.

2. Good waste disposal and management

In the school environment, a good waste disposal and management system is very important to maintain cleanliness and health. Available waste disposal sites should include separate organic and non-organic waste bins, as well as places for recyclable waste such as paper, plastic and cardboard.

This system should be placed in strategic locations throughout the school, including in classrooms, dining rooms, fields, and other common areas. With a good waste disposal system, the school environment can be a clean, comfortable and environmentally friendly place for all its residents.

3. Adequate layout of public facilities

A good layout must consider accessibility, security and efficient use of space. Public facilities such as canteens, toilets and sports rooms must be placed in locations that are easily accessible to everyone, including students with special needs.

The layout of facilities must ensure safety for its users, the efficient use of space must also be considered, because by paying attention to accessibility, security and efficient use of space, an adequate layout of public facilities will create a school environment that is comfortable and functions well for all who use it.

4. Availability of green open areas

The availability of green open areas in the school environment has many important benefits. Green open areas can be a place for students and teachers to relax, exercise, or even carry out outdoor learning activities. This can improve their health and well-being and strengthen social ties between them.

Thus, the availability of green open areas in the school environment is very important to support health, education, the environment and the beauty of the school environment.

5. Implementation of hygiene rules by school residents

Implementing hygiene rules by school residents is very important to keep the school environment clean and comfortable, such as cleaning toilets, throwing rubbish in its place, keeping the classroom clean, and keeping the eating area clean.

By implementing these hygiene rules, the school environment can remain clean and comfortable for all school residents. Apart from that, this will also help in forming positive habits to keep the environment clean in the future.

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