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25 September 2024 07:20

6 Types of floor gymnastics using equipment that you must try

Floor gymnastics is a type of sport that is very useful for improving physical fitness. Annisa Endriyati Utami

Brilio.net - Floor gymnastics is one type of sport that is very useful for improving physical fitness. In addition, floor gymnastics can also help improve flexibility, strength, and coordination. There are various types of floor gymnastics that can be done, both with and without equipment. This article will discuss six types of floor gymnastics using equipment that can be tried to improve fitness and physical skills.

1. Floor gymnastics with mats

Mats are the most common equipment used in floor gymnastics. Mats provide a soft and safe surface for performing various floor gymnastics movements. Some movements that can be done with mats include forward rolls, backward rolls, and handstands. Mats also help reduce the risk of injury when performing movements that require balance and strength.

2. Floor gymnastics with gym ball

Gym balls or stability balls are very effective tools for improving balance and core strength. Some floor exercise movements that can be done with a gym ball include planks with the ball, sit-ups with the ball, and push-ups with the ball. Gym balls can also be used for stretching movements that help improve flexibility.

3. Floor gymnastics with ribbon

Ribbon is a tool often used in rhythmic gymnastics. Ribbon can help improve coordination and body flexibility. Some floor gymnastics movements that can be done with ribbon include circular movements, spiral movements, and zigzag movements. Ribbon can also be used to add artistic elements to floor gymnastics, making the movements look more beautiful and attractive.

4. Floor gymnastics with rope

Ropes are a very useful tool for improving strength and coordination. Some floor gymnastics movements that can be done with ropes include jumping rope, swinging movements, and rotational movements. Ropes can also be used to do stretching movements that help improve flexibility and muscle strength.

5. Floor gymnastics with rings

Rings are a tool often used in artistic gymnastics. Rings can help improve body strength and balance. Some floor gymnastics movements that can be done with rings include pull-ups with rings, dips with rings, and swing movements. Rings can also be used to perform movements that require high strength and balance, such as handstands and planches.

6. Floor gymnastics with parallette

Parallette is a very effective tool to improve body strength and balance. Some floor exercise movements that can be done with parallette include push-ups with parallette, dips with parallette, and L-sits with parallette. Parallette can also be used to do movements that require high strength and balance, such as handstands and planches.

Benefits of floor gymnastics using equipment

Doing floor gymnastics using equipment has many benefits. First, the equipment can help increase body strength and flexibility. Second, the equipment can help improve coordination and balance. Third, the equipment can help reduce the risk of injury when doing movements that require high strength and balance.

Tips for doing floor gymnastics using equipment

To get the maximum benefit from floor gymnastics using equipment, there are some tips that can be followed. First, make sure to warm up before starting floor gymnastics. Warming up can help improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of injury. Second, make sure to use equipment that suits your abilities and needs. Third, make sure to do the movements with the correct technique to avoid injury.

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