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28 Agustus 2024 15:00

Stay green for 1.5 months, here are some tricks to storing spring onions so they don't rot, wilt, and the aroma stays fresh

It cannot be stored carelessly because it easily wilts or even turns yellow. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
YouTube/Dhasilfa Raditya

Scallions are known for their fresh aroma and mild taste. The aroma and taste make scallions one of the kitchen spices that are often used in various dishes. This one leaf spice has an important role as a natural flavoring that gives the finishing touch to the dish. Not only used as a spice, scallions are also often used as a decoration that adds to the beauty and deliciousness of food .

The many benefits of spring onions make this food ingredient often used as stock in the kitchen. Some people usually buy it in large quantities to then store. Unfortunately, spring onions cannot be stored carelessly because they are easily wilted or even yellow.

In fact, wilted and yellowed leeks tend to decrease in quality. When used, the aroma of leeks is no longer fresh. This can certainly affect the results of dishes cooked with a mixture of leeks.

Well, to avoid this, there is a trick that can be done when storing spring onions. This trick was once used by a netizen with a YouTube account, Dhasilfa Raditya. Through one of the videos he uploaded, he claimed to be able to store spring onions so that they stay green for 1.5 months.

As reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Dhasilfa Raditya on Tuesday (8/27), the method used is to store the spring onions in the freezer. However, do not just put them in straight away, the spring onions must be cleaned and cut first so that they are easier to use later.

YouTube/Dhasilfa Raditya

To be more precise, wash the spring onions thoroughly with running water. After that, remove the roots and dirt that is still stuck to the bottom of the spring onions. If there are dry and yellowish spring onion tips, cut them and throw them away too.

YouTube/Dhasilfa Raditya

Once done, dry the spring onions until there is no water attached. Then cut the spring onions into two parts, separate the white stem and the green leaves. After that, cut them into smaller pieces. "Not too small either, about 0.5-1 cm," said YouTube Dhasilfa Raditya.

YouTube/Dhasilfa Raditya

Next, put the leaves in a small airtight container or jar. Once done, then put in the smaller sliced scallion stems. After that, close the jar and place it in the freezer.

YouTube/Dhasilfa Raditya

In the video, Dhasilfa Raditya shows the results of spring onions that have been stored for 1.5 months. When taken out, the spring onions remain fresh green and do not wilt. Even the aroma is still fresh and unchanged.

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