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29 November 2024 20:05

Lyrics of the song Aku Makin Cinta which has been popular since the 90s

The soft and harmonious melody supports the poetic lyrics, creating a romantic and calming atmosphere. Brilio.net

Brilio.net - The song "Aku Makin Cinta" sung by Vina Panduwinata is one of the musical works that has become an important part of the Indonesian music industry. Released in the 1990s, this song was not only popular in its time but also remains relevant today. This song is known for its soft melody and heartfelt lyrics, making it a favorite among lovers of romantic music.

Meaning of the Song

In general, "Aku Makin Cinta" describes a feeling of love that becomes deeper and stronger as time goes by. The lyrics tell of someone who feels a growing love for their partner. This feeling is described very poetically and emotionally, allowing the listener to feel the depth of love expressed in the song.

One of the aspects that makes this song so special is its ability to convey genuine and deep emotions. Vina Panduwinata, with her distinctive and soulful vocals, manages to convey a universal message of love. This song invites listeners to reflect on the meaning of true love, which is not only about happiness but also about commitment and sacrifice.

The lyrics of "Aku Makin Cinta" also highlight how love can provide strength and inspiration in everyday life. The love depicted in this song is not a shallow or temporary love, but rather a love that endures and continues to grow despite facing various challenges. It is a love that provides a deep sense of security and happiness.

In addition to its strong lyrics, the musical arrangement in this song also plays an important role in conveying its meaning. The soft and harmonious melody supports the poetic lyrics, creating a romantic and calming atmosphere. This combination makes the song "Aku Makin Cinta" one of the most memorable and loved love songs by many people.


How long have we been together?
Among many events
Often I don't understand
My feelings for you
Could this be a sign of love?
Or is it just my feeling?
Now I just realized
What really happened
It turns out I love you more and more
Love you
Only you, love
'I don't want anything else'
Only with you
You are the last one I love
Could this be a sign of love?
Or is it just my feeling?
Now I just realized
What really happened
It turns out I love you more and more
Love you
Only you, love
'I don't want anything else'
Only with you
You are the last one I love
It turns out I love you more and more
Love you
Only you, my love
You are the last one I love
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