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8 Agustus 2024 06:00

Now that you have a flat stomach, this is Praz Teguh's diet menu to lose 13 kg in 3 months

He has an active career as a host on various podcasts and has succeeded in gaining millions of YouTube viewers. Shahfara Raida

Praz Teguh started his career in the Indonesian entertainment world after winning the Indonesian Stand Up Comedy event in 2014. Now, Praz Teguh's name is on the rise as a comedian because he often appears in various films, web series and TV shows.

He also has an active career as a host on various podcasts and has succeeded in attracting millions of YouTube viewers. The funny jokes that Praz Teguh often makes when appearing on the small screen make many netizens entertained by this comedian.

Apart from that, Praz Teguh also doesn't miss out on greeting fans while sharing his daily activities via personal social media. After investigating, this 33 year old celebrity is currently on a diet. During 3 months of dieting, he managed to change his body to become slimmer.


Praz Teguh explained that in less than 3 months, he succeeded in losing 13 kilograms of weight, namely from 87 to 74 kilograms. He admitted that his diet was quite difficult. In fact, many people around him doubt Praz Teguh's diet efforts, you know. That's why he was enthusiastic about proving that his diet would work. "Thank God, even though it was really hard in the first 2 weeks. I felt tired, hungry, really lethargic because I was used to eating a lot and had to keep working with the intensity of chatting on podcasts which also required energy. But it turned out that the more people didn't believe in my process, the more disciplined I became," he wrote on Instagram @praz_teguh, quoted by BrilioFood on Wednesday (7/8).


Praz Teguh admitted that the main goal of doing this diet is so that the fat in his body disappears (fat loss). That's why a proper diet is needed to achieve this goal. He also explained that he followed this diet naturally without consuming drugs. One of the diet tricks is to avoid various foods high in sugar, for example biscuits, chocolate or other sweet dishes. On the other hand, Praz Teguh also doesn't consume rice, you know. So, as a substitute for rice, Praz Teguh usually chooses to eat potatoes. "You can replace potatoes + eggs + vegetables + not too much meat," he stressed.

Pexels/Karolina Kaboompics

During the diet, Praz Teguh also no longer eats heavy food for dinner. In fact, if he doesn't feel hungry at night, he chooses not to eat. However, if his stomach feels hungry, he will just eat fruit, then choose to sleep so he can get enough rest.


The Praz Teguh Diet can show results in just 3 months and is supported by regular exercise. He said, he can exercise up to 2 times a day, you know. Not infrequently he shows his sports activities in several uploads, starting from lifting weights, running, jumping rope, push ups, and so on.

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