Kitchen towels are one of the tools that are often considered trivial, even though they have an important role in maintaining the cleanliness of the cooking area. In every cooking activity, a towel is the main tool used to clean kitchen surfaces, wipe up spills, and maintain the cleanliness of kitchen equipment.
If the kitchen towel used is clean, the cooking process will also be more hygienic. Even so, the importance of maintaining the cleanliness of kitchen towels is often overlooked, even though this is very crucial to prevent the spread of bacteria and germs. Kitchen towels that are not properly cared for can become a nest for dangerous bacteria, especially if used to wipe areas contaminated with raw food ingredients.
Therefore, keeping the kitchen cloth clean and free from unpleasant odors is an important step in ensuring a hygienic kitchen. Unfortunately, the high intensity of use of kitchen cloths makes this one item prone to dirt, filth, and odor. If that has happened, then the kitchen cloth must be cleaned with a special material .
You can use simple ingredients like those used by Instagram user @siti_setyowati_ to wash kitchen towels . As reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @siti_setyowati_ on Monday (12/8), the simple ingredients used are detergent powder and baking soda. Both ingredients are effective in removing stubborn stains and unpleasant odors on kitchen towels.

How to use these two ingredients is also quite easy. First, put the kitchen cloth in a bucket. After that, put the detergent powder and baking soda into it. If so, pour enough hot water until the kitchen cloth is completely submerged.
Next, press the kitchen cloth so that it is more submerged and the cleaning agent is completely absorbed. For maximum results, let it sit or soak the kitchen cloth first for approximately 30 minutes. This step will make the detergent and baking soda more absorbed into the fabric fibers, so that the stains are easily removed.
Once it has been left, immediately rub the kitchen cloth using your hands. You can also scrub it with a clothes brush if there are stubborn stains that are difficult to remove. After that, rinse thoroughly under running water.
The final step, dry the kitchen cloth in the sun until dry. That way, the washed kitchen cloth will look shinier. It even looks like new because the stains are gone and the kitchen cloth is free from musty odors. Basically, the combination of detergent cleaning power and abrasive power, as well as the alkaline properties of baking soda produce a strong cleaner to deal with various types of stains on kitchen cloths. The reason is, baking soda is known as a material that can absorb odors, so when used with detergent, the kitchen cloth is not only clean from stains but also free from unpleasant odors.