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19 September 2024 20:00

Don't just throw away the gills, here are some tricks for processing tuna so it doesn't make your tongue itchy.

Tuna fish is rich in protein, omega-3, vitamin B12, and various minerals that are important for the body. Annathiqotul Laduniyah

Tuna is one of the popular cooking ingredients because it has many advantages. One of the advantages is high nutrition. Tuna is rich in protein, omega-3, vitamin B12, and various minerals that are important for the body. Protein in tuna plays an important role in the formation and repair of body tissue, while omega-3 is good for heart and brain health.

However, despite containing many nutrients , tuna also has drawbacks that need to be considered. One of them is the potential to cause allergic reactions in the form of itching in some people. Some individuals are sometimes sensitive to histamine formed in tuna, especially if the fish is not stored or processed properly. This histamine can cause allergy symptoms such as itching, rashes, and even digestive disorders. Therefore, it is important to ensure that tuna is fresh and properly processed to reduce the risk of allergies.

Well, to minimize the risk of allergies in the form of itching, there is a trick that can be done when processing tuna. This trick was once done by Instagram user @ummubalqishaura through one of the uploaded videos. She admitted that the processing process in question is to clean the tuna thoroughly, not just remove the gills.


As reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @ummubalqishaura on Thursday (19/9), he also admitted that the selected tuna must be fresh to minimize allergic reactions and itching. Fresh tuna usually has bright red gills. In addition, the skin is also shiny and the texture of the meat tends to be chewy.


Next, when you are about to cook it, remove the white layer that sticks to the outside of the fish skin. According to Instagram user @ummubalqishaura, this white layer is what causes tuna to smell fishy and causes an itchy feeling on the tongue when consumed. Well, to remove this part, you simply rub the surface of the fish with a soft sponge until it is completely clean.


After that, also throw away the tail by twisting and pulling it away. Well, histamine that causes itching usually gathers in the tail. Therefore, it is better to throw away the tail of the tuna when it is about to be processed.


Next, cut the tuna into pieces and wash them thoroughly. To completely remove the fishy smell, marinate the tuna in salt water and lime juice before cooking. Marinate for a few minutes, then rinse. That way, the tuna is ready to be cooked into various healthy and delicious menus.

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