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19 Juli 2024 09:01

Don't just add water, this is a trick to save food that is too sweet so that it remains delicious and tastes right

Sugar or sweeteners are not only added to sweet foods such as cakes or desserts. Annathiqotul Laduniyah

For some people, cooking and processing various kinds of food is a fun activity. Although sometimes it cannot be denied that there are small mistakes that occur during the cooking process. One mistake when cooking is adding too much sugar or sweetener.

Basically, sugar or sweeteners are not only added to sweet foods such as cakes or desserts. However, savory dishes such as stews, soy sauce chicken, or even soup are often added with sugar to balance the taste.

For some people, savory dishes that have a sweet taste can really arouse their appetite. But what happens if too much sugar or sweetener is added?

It's possible that the food will taste sweeter and actually be less enjoyable to eat. This will certainly disturb the appetite of the connoisseur. To overcome this, some people usually add water directly to their cooking.

However, just adding water will actually change the overall taste of the dish, you know. So, so that the food remains delicious and tastes right, you can copy the trick shared by Instagram user @yenni_indah31 in one of the uploaded videos.

Reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @yenni_indah31 on Thursday (18/7), he admitted that he didn't just add water. There are other ingredients added, namely salt and foods that have a sour or neutral taste. So, for food ingredients that have a sour and neutral taste, he shows further in the video.


So, if the dish you are making is too sweet, add a little water. This has a big influence on soupy dishes. However, adding water should be done gradually and little by little while continuing to correct the taste.


Next, add a little salt. Usually food that is added with water will taste more bland. So, you can add a little flavoring such as salt so that the savory taste of the dish remains delicious and just like before it was mixed with water. "The sweet taste contrasts with the salty taste. So you can add water to your cooking and then add a little salt. But not too much," said Instagram @yenni_indah31.


Apart from adding water and salt, you can also add food ingredients with a sour taste, such as chopped tomatoes, vinegar, lemon juice, or even starfruit. Basically, the sweet taste of food can be neutralized by the presence of a sour taste. This is very suitable for dishes that tend to be dry or have no sauce. So you don't need to add any more water. On the other hand, food ingredients with a neutral taste such as tofu, tempeh, potatoes, cassava, eggplant, or even noodles can reduce the sweet taste of dishes. According to Instagram user @yenni_indah31, these ingredients which do not have a particular taste help absorb excess sugar or sweet taste in dishes. That way, the taste of the dish will be more balanced.

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