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5 Juni 2017 10:00

President To Appoint University Rectors

According to Home Affairs Minister, this decision was meant to counter radicalism in education. Tunggul Kumoro
President To Appoint University Rectors © kemendagri.go.id

Minister of Home Affairs Tjahjo Kumolo said thatin the future, the appointment of univeristy rectors will be carried out by the President, not the Ministry of Higher Education.

"[This was] the result of our dialoguewith the State Secretary, the President and also Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Menristekdikti), we thought the final decision has to be from Mr. President," said Tjahjo in his office in Jakarta, Thursday.

Tjahjo stated that this decisionwas meant to counter radicalism in education as there was one case where a rector was known to be a part of ISIS supporter and adherent.

Such information, however was just fleshed out just when the rector candidate was about to be sworn in.

Theproposal was delivered when Tjahjo was leading the Birth of Pancasila Commemoration Ceremony at his ministry, where he explained the government's intention to integratethe governance system from the central to the smallest units (villages).

The decision making in appointing the echelon one, governor and deputy governor must go through apresidential decree. "Including the rector appointment which will also be performed directly by the President, not by Dikti (Higher Education)," said Tjahjo.

Thus, the inauguration of a rector will then be held at the State Palace. "No matter what the role is, the college is central to nation building," he said.

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