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22 Juni 2017 16:05

Obama Is Coming To Jakarta, Bali & Yogyakarta This Weekend

Maybe he misses the tropical sunshine, maybe he's tired of his successor. Who knows. Tunggul Kumoro
Obama Is Coming To Jakarta, Bali & Yogyakarta This Weekend © Shutterstock

The 44th President of the United States Barack Obama is scheduled to made his first visit to Indonesia since stepping down from the presidency, this Idul Fitri weekend.

Obama, who spent four years of his childhood in Menteng, Central Jakarta, visited Indonesia in 2009 when he was still the President of the US. This time, Obama and his family are planning a trip to Indonesia and visit Jakarta at the invitation of President Joko Widodo. In addition, he reportedly will bring his family on a holiday in Bali.

"There has been a confirmation, he (Obama) will arrive on June 23afternoon, for a vacation," said Bali Governor Made Mangku Pastika in Denpasar, Bali, Wednesday. He added that Obama's arrival in Bali is almost at the same time as Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak who comes for similar purpose.

On the other side, Bali Police Chief Ins. Petrus R. Golose has confirmed that the former president of US will roam in the island without a special security from the police.

"There is no particular request (from Obama), the security will remain the same," said Petrus.

Obama reportedly is going to be in Bali for five days before he goes to Jakarta on June 30and attends the 4th Indonesian Diaspora Congress on July 1in South Jakarta.

"We don't know yet whether he will be in Nusa Dua, Kuta or in Gianyar," said Udayana Military Commander Maj. Gen. Komaruddin.

Another rumor also revealed by Yogyakarta Department of Communications and Informatics Spokesperson Amiarsi Harwani, saying that Obama will come to Yogyakarta to see Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X. However, there has been no further information confirming the news.

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