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21 Juni 2017 12:00

Dozens Of Houses Damaged As Police Destroy Firecrackers

Who on earth thought that it's a good idea to destroy flammable things by setting them on fire, just 150 meters away from a residential area? Tunggul Kumoro
Dozens Of Houses Damaged As Police Destroy Firecrackers © Shutterstock

An amateur video captured the moment when Kebumen Police burned dozensof kilograms of firecrackers as evidence seized in various operations during Ramadan in Kebumen, Central Java on Monday.

Ironically, the police seemed to have ignored the explosive power that happened to be quite large. The demolition was carried out on a hill that was only 150 meters fromlocalresidential area.

As a result, several window panels and ceiling of houses in Gemeksekti, Semelang, Kebumen broke due to the impact of the explosion. Some walls were cracked and even tilted.

The blast was so powerful that it could be heard up to five kilometers away from the scene.

A resident was even rushed to hospital after the heart disease he suffered relapsed at the moment he heard the loud explosion.

"Despite its low-explosive category, firecrackers and their raw materials can't be destroyed by simply watering or burying them on the ground. Besides they can still cause an explosion, they will also cause severe environmental pollution. So, some officersremoved the explosive powder and spread them to the ground to reduce the explosive concentration, so that there would be only sparks or no explosion at all. But, it was still too much that itresulted in a spontaneous explosion," explained Kebumen Police spokesperson, Chief insp. Willy Budiyanto.

"We are glad there were no casualties in the incident," he continued.

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