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18 Mei 2017 19:30

Indro Warkop Dedicates His 59th Birthday To Children Fighting Cancer

It's not too late to give Indro his 'birthday gift'! Petra Hapsari
Indro Warkop Dedicates His 59th Birthday To Children Fighting Cancer

Senior comedian Indrodjojo Kusumonegoro or famously known as Indro Warkop had a special wish for his 59th birthday that fellon May 8.

Indro chose to celebrate his special day with children fighting cancer in Yayasan Pita Kuning Anak Indonesia (Indonesian Childrens Yellow Ribbon Foundation), a social foundation specializes in helping children with cancer.

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But he didn't stop at his birthday party. He wanted to do more for the sick kids.

Through a crowd-funding website kitabisa.com, Indro is trying to gather some donation to help the foundation taking care of the sick children.

I want to celebrate [my] birthday. Not for me, but for my heroes: the little whizzes who keep on fighting against cancer, he said.

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For my 59th birthday, can I ask for something? Not a gift in a box for me, but donation for children at Yayasan Pita Kuning.

Indro isa founder of Yayasan Pita Kuning Anak Indonesia where dozensof cancer fighters children have beensupported since 2010.

The foundation also gives financial aid for them, including transportation and other medical fees.

Until today, the donation page has gathered Rp 14,160,964 from the targeted Rp 59 million. The page will be closed in ten days.

Well, its late, but you can still give Indro his birthday gift if youd like.

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