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17 Mei 2017 09:00

Rizieq And Firza’s Sex Chat Case Continues

Firza has been named suspect but Rizieq is still a witness. Petra Hapsari
Rizieq And Firza’s Sex Chat Case Continues Image: merdeka.com

Police has namedFirzaHusein a suspect in a pornography case involvingIslamicDefender Front chiefRizieqShihab.

Shewas namedsuspect after spending one day of questioning at the Jakarta Police headquarter yesterday.Firzaeven had to spend the night at the station despite police claimed the questioning has finished.

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Weve hadsufficientevidence. There are police report, statements from witness, physical evidence and expert opinion, Jakarta Police Spokesperson Sr.Commr. ArgoYuwonosaid last night.

Expert found that there was a transmission between the two mobile phones. Weve checked the phones, they are Firzas and Rizieqs.

Other experts said that the pictures of the naked female are originals and were not manipulated. Meanwhile, Indonesia Automatic Fingerprint Identification System (Inafis)HeriCahyonoconfirmed that the person in the pictures isFirza.

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Expert witness said [the woman in the picture andFirzaare]identical. ButFirzadoesnt want to admit that. She said thats not her, Argo said.

Despite having to spend the night at the police station,Firzawas not technically arrested at least not yet. Argo said that police still has one day to decide whether they want to issue an arrest warrant.

If found guilty, she is facing five years for violating the Law on Pornography.

The other players

Firzais not the only person implicated in the sex-chat case. Theres also Fatima, orKakEmma, who was the oneFirzatalked to in a widely circulated recording about her affair withRizieq.

KakEmma was also questioned yesterday.

According to the police,KakEmma admitted that two women talking in the recordingwere indeedFirzaand herself.

The point isFirzahas a close friend namedKakEmma. Whenever she wants tocurhat(telling ones one own personal story or problem or secret to someone else) she [would do it] toKakEmma, said Argo earlier yesterday. The point is [Emma admitted] that thecurhatactivity did exist.

Meanwhile, the more important person in the case remains missing.

Rizieqis still not answering police summon. Up until now, he is still a witness to this case, but as he failed to appear for questioning twice, his status might be changed soon.

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