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3 Juli 2017 11:00

Hero Police Officer Helps A Mom Deliver A Baby On A Toll Road

Not all heroes wear capes. Irwan Khoiruddin
Hero Police Officer Helps A Mom Deliver A Baby On A Toll Road Illustration: Shutterstock/MIA Studio

The holiday season is over, leaving some good memories that we can all hold dear to our hearts.

One of the sweet stories happened on a toll road.

A Police Inspector named Arman helped a mother named Sukiati (43) to give birth in Cikopo-Palimanan (Cipali) KM 82 toll road on Sunday morning.

The mother was on her way to Jakarta when she had to deliver the baby at 10.40 a.m.

Arman said that he rushed to help the mother as he saw the bus stopped and there was a lady who was going to give birth inside.

I was asked by other female passengers to help since there was no family member in the bus, Arman said.

Cited from @RadioElshinta Twitter account, the labor process was carried out without any problem. Arman brought the baby and mother out of the toll road to Siloam Hospital in Purwakarta Regency.

Here is the video of Arman carrying the new born baby to hospital.

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