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7 Juni 2017 16:45

#JKWVLOG: Putussibau to Nanga Badau Road To Finish In 2017

This time, the President's video features Public Works and Housing Minister. Petra Hapsari
#JKWVLOG: Putussibau to Nanga Badau Road To Finish In 2017

President Joko Widodo released a new vlog from his trip to Kalimantan.

Unlike his other videos, Jokowi is not alone this time.

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The vlog shows the president visiting the construction site of a long road from Putussibau to Nanga Badau in West Kalimantan and he brought along Public Works and Housing Minister Basuki Hadimuljono.

So, for thepasttwo and half years, in Kalimantan, [we have been] doing [this road construction] for 1,900 KM, Jokowi said. With roadson the borders, we wish togrow new economic centers.

From 170 kilometers of the road the government has to construct, there are only 27 kilometers left.

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So this is the work, itis still on progress. God willing,it can be finished just like this, said Minister Basuki while showing the part of the road that has beenfinished.

Jokowi then asked the minister when the road project will be finished.

So, it will finish at the end of 2017, or no later than early 2018, Basuki answered.

The road construction of Putussibau to Nanga Badau is just one of the governments many construction projects. In the past three years, the government has constructed more than 520 kilometers new border roads.

Here is the full vlog of President Joko Widodo:

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