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12 Maret 2025 03:00

Tricks to clean black scale in the toilet to make it shiny again without using baking soda, add 2 kitchen ingredients

While others choose a special cleaning fluid for toilets. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
Tricks to clean black scale in the toilet to make it shiny again without using baking soda, add 2 kitchen ingredients

Brilio.net - The toilet is one part of the bathroom that needs to be cleaned regularly so that it does not become a nest for germs and diseases. Many people clean the toilet by brushing it with a mixture of water and detergent, while others choose a special cleaning fluid for the toilet.

If not maintained regularly, the toilet can experience a buildup of stains and hardened dirt, forming stubborn crust. Blackened stains, especially on the toilet base, are often difficult to remove with just regular cleaning methods.

To solve this problem, many people add baking soda to their cleaning mixture. The abrasive salt content in baking soda makes it effective in lifting stains from surfaces. However, if you don't have baking soda in stock at home, there are still other alternatives that can be used to thoroughly clean the toilet.

One netizen through the YouTube channel MAK IDA BUL-BUL shared a trick to remove black scale in the toilet without baking soda. In one of her uploads, she showed the condition of the toilet in her house which was filled with black scale.

She cleaned the crust stains with a mixture of cleaning materials, such as toothpaste, citric acid, dish soap, and vinegar. First, she prepared a container to mix the cleaning materials. Then she poured a pack of citric acid and toothpaste, dish soap, and vinegar to taste.

The four ingredients are stirred until evenly mixed. In addition to the cleaning ingredients, the YouTube user also prepared sandpaper, a brush, a dishwashing wire, and a kepi or iron scraper as tools to help clean the toilet.

"So far, Mak Ida has only cleaned using detergent. She doesn't use this cleaning agent," she said, as reported by brilio.net on Tuesday (11/3).

Tricks to remove black scale from the toilet using 2 additional kitchen ingredients

Before applying the cleaning fluid to the toilet, he appears to pour hot water into the area around the toilet. Only then does he apply the cleaning fluid to the entire surface of the toilet and let it sit for about 15 minutes for the cleaning fluid to soak in. The YouTube user initially scrubbed the toilet with sandpaper, dishwashing wire, and a brush. However, it turned out that the stubborn black crust was still difficult to clean.

He finally tried to clean the toilet base with a scraper. After scrubbing for a while, the black crust slowly began to lift. He reapplied the cleaning fluid to the toilet and scrubbed it until it was completely clean.

"The crust on the toilet started to lift. We had to be patient because for a long time we only cleaned it with a brush. Mak Ida never deep cleaned the bathroom," he continued.

Tricks to remove black scale from the toilet using 2 additional kitchen ingredients

After scrubbing, the YouTube user rinsed the toilet with clean water. As a result, the toilet surface that previously looked covered in black scale stains now looks clean and bright again.

The trick to banish black scale shared by the YouTube user is quite easy to practice at home. You can also use some kitchen ingredients at home to remove the stains. Several netizens also commented on the YouTube user's upload.

"Very creative, ma'am... I want to try it later to clean my bathroom," said the account @narakgurl.

"So the bathroom is clean and shiny, right, ma'am?" commented the account @lavinakhaliqa.

"Thank God, mom is shiny again," said the account @keluargaviehra8501.

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