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15 Agustus 2017 18:00

22,000 Hectares Of Land Ready For Salt Farming: Luhut

Will it be the answer to our salt crisis? Petra Hapsari
22,000 Hectares Of Land Ready For Salt Farming: Luhut Image: dani daniar / Shutterstock.com

Coordinating Maritime Affairs Minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said there are around 22,000 hectares of areas throughout Indonesia ready for salt farming.

The areas include East Nusa Tenggara, Java, Madura and Jeneponto.

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We have 22,000 hectares thatcan be used for salt farming. Half of the salt made [locally] did not use good technology, so only 80 percent [of our production] is with good quality. Its supposed to be 94-97 percent, Luhut said.

Luhut revealed the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) is preparing the technology to make the salt ready for harvest just in four days.

Eastern area of Indonesia reportedly will be the governments priority since there sea has better quality compared to other areas especially in Central Java since they are mostly have been contaminated.

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They are calculating, later we will makePT Garam work withthe people. The people include small farmers, we will make them into co-operative group to make it efficient. It will be registered and the people will have their shares, Luhut added.

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