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14 Agustus 2017 15:00

Densus 88 Interrogates Dozens Of People Linked To ISIS

They would still be given de-radicalization counseling even if the questioning proves that they have no ties to the terrorist group. Tunggul Kumoro
Densus 88 Interrogates Dozens Of People Linked To ISIS © Twitter/@DivHumasPolri

A total of 18 Indonesian citizens suspected of having previous links toISIS have now returned to Indonesia from Syria. They were probed for seven days to find out the facts behind their alleged involvement with the global terrorist group.

National Police Spokesman Bridg. Gen. Rikwanto affirmed their arrival was on Saturday at 03.45 p.m. and they were directly taken to the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) in Sentul, Bogor.

"Next, those people were takento BNPT in Sentul, Bogor for handover process by Foreign Affairs Minister (Retno Marsudi) to BNPT ship and Special Detachment (Densus) 88. We'll provide reports for further interrogation result," said Rikwanto on Sunday.

Contacted separately by detik.com, another National Police Spokesperson Brig. Gen. Awi Setiono clarified that the interrogation would require at least a week.

"Yes, [they are] in BNPT, interrogated by Densus 88 for collecting evidences," said Awi.

Those deported would still be given supervision even if the interrogation proves that they have no involvement with the terrorist group. "If there is not enough evidence within seven days, they would be transported to BNPT for the de-radicalization program," said Awi.

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