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24 Februari 2024 12:30

Without putting it in the freezer, here's a trick for storing corn so it stays fresh and doesn't wrinkle for up to 3 weeks

Corn will not be wasted if it has to be stocked for several days. Shahfara Raida
Without putting it in the freezer, here's a trick for storing corn so it stays fresh and doesn't wrinkle for up to 3 weeks foto: YouTube/keluarga pakdono

Brilio.net - Corn can be processed into various delicious dishes. You must be familiar with stir-fried corn , grilled corn, vegetable soup, jasuke, and so on. The sweet and fresh taste of corn is truly addictive.

Many people routinely buy corn when doing their monthly shopping to stock up on cooking ingredients at home. So that corn lasts longer, people often choose to store it frozen. To do this, you have to shell the corn first, then put it in a jar, then store it in the freezer.

However, for some people, storing corn in the freezer is considered quite complicated. Not to mention, the texture of corn can become wrinkled and hard when frozen. Well, netizens on the Pakdono family's YouTube account have a trick for storing corn so it stays fresh and doesn't wrinkle that you can try at home.

How to store corn so it stays fresh.

First, prepare the whole corn that you want to store. The owner of the Pakdono family YouTube account explained that it is better to choose corn with skin without peeling it at all, so that the corn can last longer when stored. Also make sure the corn is completely dry without washing it.

"Don't wash it, if any part of the skin is wet it must be thrown away," explained the owner of the Pakdono family YouTube account in his upload, quoted by BrilioFood on Friday (23/2).

After that, prepare a tool to help the corn last longer and be hygienic, namely special food plastic wrap. Wrap the corn tightly in plastic. You can tape both ends with tape so that the corn can be wrapped perfectly.

photo: YouTube/pakdono family

If the corn has been wrapped in plastic wrap, place it directly in the refrigerator chiller. While stored, it is best not to open the plastic corn wrap at all so that it remains durable. The owner of the Pakdono family's YouTube account explained that this trick for storing corn can keep it fresh and wrinkle-free for up to 3 weeks, you know.

photo: YouTube/pakdono family

How about it, now you don't have to worry about the stock of corn at home rotting or shrivelling, right? Taking a peek at the Pakdono family's YouTube upload, it's true that not many netizens have left comments, but this video has already received more than 9,000 views, you know.

How to boil corn so it stays bright and sweet.

Boiling corn without knowing the right technique risks making the color pale and losing its sweet taste. Follow these steps to prevent crows from boiling corn.

1. Choose fresh corn.

Fresh corn has a sweeter taste and brighter color.

2. Add sugar.

Before boiling, you can add a little sugar to the cooking water. This will help enhance the sweetness of the corn. However, make sure not to add too much sugar so that it doesn't get too sweet.

3. Boil for a short time.

Boil the corn for a short time, usually around 5-7 minutes after the water boils. Don't boil for too long as this can cause the corn to become too soft and lose its natural sweetness.

4. Add salt.

Add a pinch of salt to the cooking water to enhance the taste of the corn. Salt can help enhance the corn's natural sweetness.

5. Use a large pan.

Use a pot large enough to boil the corn so that the corn can be completely submerged in the water. This ensures that the corn cooks evenly and stays bright.

6. Stop the cooking process quickly.

Once the corn is cooked, remove from the boiling water and submerge in ice water or cold water to prevent the cooking process from continuing. This also helps keep the color of the corn bright.

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