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6 Mei 2024 15:00

Without needing to dry it in the sun, here's how to quickly get rid of ants from a jar of sugar using 1 kitchen spice

This method can be an easy option when there is minimal sunlight, such as the rainy season, which is often cloudy. Nadhifah

Brilio.net - Ants are insects that like sweet foods, such as sugar. So, sugar stock is usually stored in a jar so that it lasts a long time. Unfortunately, if it is not closed tightly, ants can still surround the sugar. Not just one, but ants usually come in groups. As a result, sugar becomes contaminated.

Sugar that is already contaminated certainly cannot be used. Some people even just throw away granulated sugar. In fact, sugar can still be consumed, you know. The sugar in the jar can be moved to a larger container and then dried in the sun.

Because it's hot, the ants in the sugar will leave by themselves. When it's all gone, you can put the sugar back into the jar.

However, if you don't want the hassle, it turns out there is a practical way to get rid of ants from sugar jars. The method was demonstrated by Instagram user @vhe.veronicaa. In his video upload, this netizen appears to only rely on one kitchen spice to repel ants from his sugar jar.

How to get rid of ants from a sugar jar.

Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @vhe.veronicaa on Monday (6/5), this netizen deliberately put granulated sugar in a jar so that it would last a long time because it would be used as stock. Once completely filled, the jar is then closed tightly.

photo: Instagram/@vhe.veronicaa

Unfortunately, after taking the sugar a few moments later, the lid of the jar was not closed tightly again. As a result, several ants appeared to have entered the sugar jar.

Knowing this, this netizen didn't immediately dry the sugar. Instead, add one kitchen spice, namely cloves, to a jar of sugar. Yes, cloves are a kitchen spice that is thought to naturally repel ants.

photo: Instagram/@vhe.veronicaa

Once inserted, wait a few moments until the ants come out by themselves. After that, the cloves don't need to be set aside. Immediately close the sugar jar tightly and store it in a clean and dry place.

photo: Instagram/@vhe.veronicaa

This way, the ants won't come near the sugar jar again. Not without reason, it turns out that this insect doesn't like the smell of cloves. For those of you who have sugar stock at home, immediately practice this method, OK?

How to deal with dishes that contain too much sugar.

If your food contains too much sugar, you can try several ways to reduce the sweet taste. Here are some steps you can take:

1. Add other ingredients.

Add other non-sweet ingredients to balance the taste. For example, add a little lemon juice or vinegar to provide a sour taste that contrasts with the sweetness of the sugar.

2. Add salt ingredients.

Salt can help balance the sweet taste. Add small amounts of salt slowly and taste your dish after each addition, until you reach the desired balance.

3. Add acid.

Apart from lemon juice or vinegar, you can also try adding other acidic ingredients such as tomatoes or tomato sauce. This can help reduce the sweetness and provide a more complex flavor dimension.

4. Add spices or herbs.

Spices such as chili powder, black pepper, or other spices can provide contrast to the sweet taste. Add spices gradually and taste your dish until you reach the desired balance.

5. Add liquid or stock.

Adding liquid or stock, such as vegetable stock or chicken stock, can help dilute overpowering sweet flavors. It can also add an additional dimension of flavor to your dishes.

By trying some of the methods above, you can overcome dishes that contain too much sugar and achieve the desired taste balance. Make sure to taste the dish periodically when adding additional ingredients to ensure the resulting taste matches your preferences.

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