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12 Maret 2024 19:00

Without citrus or baking soda, this is a practical trick to remove limescale from the toilet using just 1 type of drink

Yellow crust in the toilet is very difficult to remove. Nadhifah
YouTube/Ad Kreatif

Brilio.net - The presence of limescale in the toilet is a problem that many people often experience. Because it has become crusty, cleaning the toilet requires extra effort. Even though you have scrubbed it using various cleaning agents, usually the crust on the toilet doesn't come off.

The cleaning agents that many people usually use are citrus and baking soda. These two ingredients must be dissolved in water first and then sprinkled over the entire surface of the toilet. Then just rub as hard as you can until the toilet looks clean again .

But don't just use these two cleaning agents, because there are other ingredients that can be used to remove limescale from the toilet. The method was demonstrated by YouTube user Ad Creative. In his video upload, he appears to be using one type of drink as the main ingredient in his cleaning fluid concoction.

Curious about how?

Practical tricks to remove limescale from the toilet.

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Ad Creative on Tuesday (12/3), one type of drink used was the Coc*-C*la fizzy drink. First, pour the drink into a plastic bottle.

photo: YouTube/Creative Ad

He also added table salt to the plastic bottle. In the video upload, this netizen can be seen using a dose of 2 tablespoons of salt as the cleaning mixture. After mixing it, small bubbles immediately appeared in the plastic bottle.

"When these two ingredients are mixed, it becomes a very effective formula for cleaning limescale in the bathroom or other things," said the owner of the video.

photo: YouTube/Creative Ad

Stir until these two ingredients are completely mixed. If so, add 2 capfuls of dishwashing soap. Without adding any more water, stir immediately until the toilet cleaning liquid mixture is completely mixed.

photo: YouTube/Creative Ad

The next process, transfer the toilet cleaning fluid into a plastic bottle with a hole in the lid. Once completely filled, close the bottle tightly. Then pour the cleaning fluid over the entire surface of the toilet.

"After everything is hit, we let it sit for 5 minutes," he said.

photo: YouTube/Creative Ad

Immediately rub the entire surface of the toilet after leaving it for 5 minutes. It didn't take long, the crust stains on the toilet immediately disappeared and nothing remained.

photo: YouTube/Creative Ad

Finally, rinse the toilet with clean water. As a result, the appearance of the toilet is clean and shiny again.

photo: YouTube/Creative Ad

If it's like this, it won't be uncomfortable when you go to the bathroom, right?

How to prevent the toilet from emitting a urine smell.

So that the toilet doesn't smell like urine, you can follow these steps:

1. Clean regularly.

Make sure you clean the toilet regularly using an effective toilet cleaner. Use a toilet brush to clean the inside, including around the siphon and drain hole.

2. Use an effective cleaner.

Use a cleaner specifically designed for cleaning toilets. There are many options on the market that can help eliminate bacteria and germs that cause unpleasant odors.

3. Use toilet softener or freshener.

After cleaning the toilet, use toilet softener or freshener to provide a refreshing aroma. Make sure you choose a product that is safe to use and will not damage the plumbing system.

4. Good ventilation.

Make sure the area around the toilet has good ventilation. By allowing air to flow properly, you can help reduce humidity which can become a nest for odor-causing bacteria and fungi.

5. Check for leaks.

Check to see if there are any leaks around the toilet that could cause a pool of water. These leaks can become a breeding ground for bacteria and cause unpleasant odors.

By following the steps above regularly, you can help keep your toilet clean and free of urine odor.

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