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21 Juli 2024 15:30

What can I get for IDR 7500? This cooking trick with minimal capital will keep your stomach full all day

It's hard to find a warteg that sells a portion of rice complete with side dishes for IDR 7,500. Shahfara Raida
Unsplash/Jonathan Greenaway

Brilio.net - When you come to a warteg or food stall on the side of the road, with capital of IDR 7,500, sometimes the stall only provides 1 portion of rice and one type of accompaniment, either vegetables or fried foods such as cakes, tofu or tempeh.

However, this is not absolute, because each warteg definitely has different menu prices.

A number of netizens on social media also discussed this hot topic. In fact, quite a few people share cooking recipes with capital of IDR 7,500, as in the video belonging to TikTok account user @wilumakan. This woman said, this cooking trick with capital still makes your stomach full all day, you know.

photo: TikTok/@wilumakan

So, there are three main ingredients to make this dish with minimal capital, namely instant noodles, tempeh and spring onions. Yup, instead of using rice, this menu with a capital of IDR 7,500 relies on noodles as a source of carbohydrates. Meanwhile, protein and fiber are obtained from tempeh and spring onions.

photo: TikTok/@wilumakan

The trick, first boil the instant noodles in boiling water. Reported by BrilioFood on Sunday (21/7), TikTok account user @wilumakan said he cooked 3 packs of instant noodles so he could eat them several times a day. He bought these 3 packs of instant noodles with capital of only IDR 6,000.

photo: TikTok/@wilumakan

Next, cut the tempeh into pieces. So, for the capital, this material is said to have a price of only IDR 1,000. At traditional markets or mobile vegetable vendors, it seems that that much money can be used to buy 1 sheet of mendoan tempeh or small leaf-wrapped tempeh.

Apart from that, the owner of the TikTok account @wilumakan also prepared chopped spring onions. He added that he bought the leeks for IDR 500. So, cooking ingredients with a capital of IDR 7,500 are sufficient.

photo: TikTok/@wilumakan

Once all the ingredients are ready, the boiled noodles and pieces of tempeh and spring onions are sauted with ground spices. The owner of the TikTok account @wilumakan explained that he made the ground spices from ingredients that were available at home, such as cayenne pepper, red and white onions, lime leaves, and turmeric.

photo: TikTok/@wilumakan

Yup, that's the trick for cooking on a low budget with capital of only IDR 7,500. What do you think, this menu is enough for your daily food needs or do you have another alternative menu that is more suitable?

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