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19 Februari 2024 13:00

Vegetables remain fresh even when mixed with coconut seasoning, this is a trick for making trancam so it doesn't go stale quickly

This dish quickly turns stale or no longer fresh, in fact this menu only lasts less than a day. You have to know the trick, here. Shahfara Raida
foto: TikTok/@diarymamaaqilla

Brilio.net - Trancam is known as a typical Central Javanese vegetable dish. This menu is almost similar to anointing, the difference is in the manufacturing technique. Urap is usually boiled or steamed until cooked before serving, while trancam is served fresh.

In terms of vegetable content, trancam is also similar to urap. This dish is usually made from long beans, cucumber, white cabbage, and basil. After all the vegetables have been mixed, then stir again with the grated coconut which has been seasoned. Usually, the taste of this trancam spice is obtained from a combination of sweet, spicy and savory flavors.

However, it is known that trancam must be enjoyed immediately until it is finished after being served. The reason is, this dish quickly turns stale or no longer fresh, in fact this menu only lasts less than a day. That's why many people choose to serve vegetables and seasonings separately.

However, netizens on the TikTok account @diarymamaaqilla have a trick for making trancam so that it doesn't go stale quickly even if you mix it with spices, you know. Let's take a look at the trick on the next page.

How to make a trancam so it doesn't get stale easily.

Before getting into the tricks for making trancam so it doesn't go stale quickly, first prepare the pieces of vegetables that will be used. In a separate container, also prepare grated coconut, brown sugar, galangal, shrimp paste, large chilies and lime leaves which will be used as a spice mixture for trancam.

photo: TikTok/@diarymamaaqilla

All spices, except grated coconut, must be ground first using a pestle or blender. Then, pour over the grated coconut and stir well. So, here's a trick for making trancam so it doesn't go stale quickly. Coconut that has been mixed with spices must be steamed first.

2024 brilio.net/Rakha Kharista

First heat the water in the steamer until it boils. Don't forget to put a plastic mat or banana leaf on top of the nest so that the trancam spices don't dissolve in the water. After the water boils, immediately add the trancam spices and cover the steamer pan for a few moments.

"Steam for 15 minutes so it doesn't go stale quickly," added the owner of the TikTok account @diarymamaaqilla, quoted by BrilioFood on Monday (19/2).

photo: TikTok/@diarymamaaqilla

When it has been steamed for 15 minutes, remove from heat and transfer the trancam spices to the container containing the vegetables. The process of steaming the coconut spices is what makes the trancam dish not easily stale. Stir until smooth, sprinkle with basil leaves, and the trancam is ready to be served.

photo: TikTok/@diarymamaaqilla

How about it, this trick is really easy to make a trancam so it doesn't get stale quickly, isn't it? Taking a peek at @diarymamaaqilla's TikTok upload, there are no comments from netizens yet. However, this video has received a lot of enthusiasm, with more than 1,000 viewers, you know.

How do you process shrimp paste so it doesn't smell?

Terasi is a kitchen spice that is commonly used in Southeast Asian cuisine, especially Indonesia. Even though it has a distinctive and delicious taste, shrimp paste often has a strong and sharp aroma that some people may not like. Here's how to process shrimp paste so that the aroma isn't too strong:

1. Grill shrimp paste.

Grill the shrimp paste in small quantities on a flat pan without oil for a few minutes. This process can help reduce moisture and remove some of the strong aroma. Make sure to turn the shrimp paste regularly so it cooks evenly.

2. Wrap in banana leaves.

After the shrimp paste is roasted, wrap the shrimp paste in banana leaves. Banana leaves can help absorb and reduce the strong aroma of shrimp paste. Leave it for some time before using.

3. Soak in lime juice or tamarind water.

Soak the shrimp paste in lime juice or tamarind juice for a few minutes before using. The acid in lime or tamarind can help reduce the strong aroma.

4. Add coconut oil or vegetable oil.

Mix the shrimp paste with a little coconut oil or vegetable oil when frying. This oil can help reduce the aroma and provide a touch of deliciousness to the shrimp paste.

5. Combine with other ingredients.

Include shrimp paste in dishes along with other ingredients that have a strong aroma or are delicious. The strong aroma of shrimp paste may not be too pronounced when mixed with other ingredients.

6. Don't use too much.

Avoid using excessive amounts of shrimp paste. Most recipes only call for a small amount of shrimp paste to provide a strong flavor.

7. Separate from other ingredients.

Store shrimp paste in a separate container from other ingredients in the refrigerator. Use an airtight container to prevent the shrimp paste aroma from spreading to other ingredients.

8. Choose good quality shrimp paste.

Choose good quality and fresh shrimp paste. High quality shrimp paste tends to have a less pungent aroma.

By using one or a combination of the steps above, you can reduce the strong aroma of shrimp paste so that it is more acceptable in cooking.

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