- For those who often brew tea every day, you must have found many brown stains stuck to the walls of the glass. The brown stains come from tannins (tanic acid) found in tea, which also gives the tea its brown color.
When the brown stain is left for a long time, it will accumulate and become crust. This tea crust can make the appearance of the glass increasingly cloudy and cloudy, especially on plastic glasses. The crust also becomes increasingly difficult to clean.
To overcome this, there is a tutorial on washing plastic cups shared by a YouTube user named Zulaikha Pratiwy. She reveals how to clean her mother's plastic cups that have brown and very cloudy tea crust, which has persisted for years.
"This stain is really stubborn. It's really thick, it's estimated that this has been used for years to brew tea," he explained, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube/Zulaikha Pratiwy on Thursday (11/28).
photo: YouTube/Zulaikha pratiwy
In the video, Zulaikha is seen using several ingredients to wash the plastic cup. She prepared toothpaste, baking soda, and cooking vinegar. Well, the first thing she did was rinse the cup with water. After that, she smeared the inside of the cup with toothpaste. The part was then scrubbed using an old toothbrush.
photo: YouTube/Zulaikha pratiwy
In the video, the changes are immediately visible. The stubborn tea crust can be lifted immediately after being brushed. Well, Zulaikha then re-smeared the inside of the glass with toothpaste and rubbed it. Repeat this process until the tea crust is lifted. If the walls of the glass look clean, rinse immediately with water.
"This doesn't need to be soaked at all, just rub it and you can see this (the base). I think this is more practical," said Zulaikha.
photo: YouTube/Zulaikha pratiwy
Well, to clean the bottom of the glass, Zulaikha chose not to use toothpaste. She sprinkled the bottom with baking soda and poured a little cooking vinegar. The mixture of the two ingredients will produce foam or suds as a reaction.
This reaction can help lift stubborn tea crust on the bottom of the glass. So when scrubbed with a toothbrush, the crust stains will be easier to lift. You can replace the toothbrush with another type of brush that can more easily reach the bottom of the plastic glass.
For the final step, rinse the glass with water. Then immediately wash the glass with dish soap as usual. In the video shared by Zulaikha, the cleaned plastic glass is seen to be really shiny and free of scale. The color of the glass which was originally dark brown can return to its original color, which is light blue.
photo: YouTube/Zulaikha pratiwy
Zulaikha's video has apparently been viewed more than 30 thousand times. It's no wonder that the video is flooded with comments from netizens. Many of them admit that the method of washing plastic cups is very useful.
"Thank you very much, ma'am. The tips can be put into practice," said YouTube/UmmuFaiyas.
"I have dull glasses, Mom. I washed them with dishwashing soap but they're still dull. Thank you, Mom, for the tips. I'll try them later. Hopefully the dull glasses can be shiny again...," explained YouTube/M. AKHLIS BIMA YUCHA.
"Awesome, the glass is shiny again... always waiting for your tips, Mom," said YouTube/Mamikul.