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4 November 2024 23:00

Tricks for storing boiled cassava leaves so they stay fresh and green for months using 1 kitchen spice

Tricks for storing boiled cassava leaves so they don't rot quickly and stay green for a long time. Brilio.net
foto: YouTube/Mak Entik

Brilio.net - Cassava leaves are one of the vegetables that are often considered as a typical home vegetable. In addition to its delicious taste, cassava leaves are also known to be rich in nutrients that are beneficial for the body. According to healthifyme.com, cassava leaves contain vitamin C, fiber, carbohydrates, and various other nutrients. In addition, cassava leaves also have the ability to prevent the growth of cancer cells and repair kidney damage. It is no wonder that this vegetable is very popular with many people. Cassava leaves can be enjoyed directly or served with rice, side dishes, and other dishes.

Cassava leaves can also be processed into various delicious dishes, from stir-fries to curry sauce. However, boiled cassava leaves are delicious enough. In fact, these boiled cassava leaves can be stored as stock in the refrigerator, so you don't need to boil them every time you want to eat. Even though they are stored in the refrigerator, boiled cassava leaves can last for months if stored properly. For those who don't know how, you can follow the method shared by a netizen known as Mak Entik. She shared her method through an upload on Mak Entik's YouTube account.

"This is really green," he added, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube Mak Entik on Monday (4/11).

So, the cassava leaves that have been picked can be cleaned and washed first. Then, prepare a pot of water to boil it. Heat the water over medium heat until it boils, then add the cassava leaves. Now, the key to keeping the cassava leaves fresh and green for a long time, you have to add enough salt to the boiling water.

Reported from americastestkitchen.com, adding salt to boiled vegetables can make them last longer because salt can reduce excess water content in vegetables. This is because high water content in vegetables can speed up the rotting process. Salt is also known to make the color of vegetables brighter.

photo: YouTube/Mak Entik

Once the cassava leaves are soft enough, immediately remove and drain. Then, the cassava leaves can be cooled first before being stored in the refrigerator freezer. Later, if you want to consume this stock of cassava leaves, you can remove them and soak them in cold water so that they are not frozen again. Then, the cassava leaves can be eaten immediately or cooked again into any dish according to taste.

"Put it in plastic or tupperware like this, then store it in the freezer," explained Mak Entik.

photo: YouTube/Mak Entik

How, is this method of storing boiled cassava leaves really simple? Looking at the comments column on Mak Entik's YouTube upload, a number of netizens seem enthusiastic about trying this method.

"Thank you for the very useful tips. Always be healthy and successful, Mom, " said YouTube @silvianathaliachannel915.

"Great idea, sir," praised YouTube @fatmaminthul3006.

"Excuse me, Mom, I want to ask... if you want to cook the cassava leaves, take them straight from the refrigerator or can you take them out of the refrigerator at night and cook them in the morning, Mom... thanks," asked YouTube @dwiharini4192.

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