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19 November 2024 15:00

Tricks for processing tilapia so it doesn't smell fishy and earthy, the key is in these 2 kitchen ingredients

The earthy odor is usually caused by geosmin, a compound produced by microorganisms in the aquatic environment where fish live. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
Tricks for processing tilapia so it doesn't smell fishy and earthy, the key is in these 2 kitchen ingredients Instagram/@dindaalamanda_

Brilio.net - Tilapia is very popular because its meat is delicious and its nutritional content is high. However, this freshwater fish often emits an unpleasant fishy and earthy smell. This fishy smell comes from the trimethylamine compound that forms naturally in the fish's body. While the earthy smell is usually caused by geosmin, a compound produced by microorganisms in the water environment where the fish live.

The fishy and earthy smell of tilapia can be very disturbing, especially for those of you who are sensitive to strong aromas. Both types of odors can reduce appetite and even ruin the taste of the dish if not handled properly. Understanding the causes and how to eliminate these odors is very important for those of you who want to process tilapia yourself at home.

To reduce or eliminate the fishy and earthy smell of tilapia, there is a special method that can be applied. An Instagram user @dindaalamanda_ once shared it through one of the videos she uploaded. She admitted that she only relied on two kitchen ingredients to eliminate the fishy and earthy smell of tilapia.

As reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @dindaalamanda_ on Monday (11/19), the kitchen ingredients in question are vinegar and salt. To be more precise, she uses coarse salt to process tilapia. Well, these two ingredients can effectively make tilapia fresher and tastier to consume later.

photo: Instagram/@dindaalamanda_

How to use it, just wash the tilapia first. Then remove the scales and guts. When it is clean, put it in a container. Then add coarse salt and vinegar to taste. Spread until all ingredients are completely evenly coated on the surface and inside of the fish.

Next, put the fish in the refrigerator or chiller and let it sit for at least 1 hour. When salt is sprinkled on the fish, it draws out moisture from the surface of the fish, along with the compounds that cause the fishy smell. Meanwhile, the acid in the vinegar helps break down the geosmin compound, so the distinctive earthy smell of tilapia is reduced.

photo: Instagram/@dindaalamanda_

After letting it sit for 1 hour, wash and rinse the tilapia. Only then can this tilapia be processed. You can cook it practically as fried tilapia. The marinade is very simple, just put the finely ground garlic in a bowl along with water, salt, white pepper, beef stock powder, and vinegar. Stir and put the fish in, then for at least 1 hour or overnight.

photo: Instagram/@dindaalamanda_

Well, marinated fish can be fried directly. Or you can also store it first as a side dish stock. So, if at any time you want to eat tilapia, you can immediately fry the marinated fish.

"Not only is the result beautiful, it also tastes good and is free from the smell of soil or other unpleasant smells," said Instagram @dindaalamanda_.

Having been watched more than 1 million times, this video about the trick of processing tilapia has immediately attracted the attention of netizens. Since it was uploaded on Saturday (16/11), many other Instagram users have given direct responses through the comments column. Most of these netizens admitted that the trick is very useful to imitate.

"I also use coarse salt to clean fish, catfish also get dry quickly if I use coarse salt," said Instagram @faozia_na.

"Thanks for the info, sis. I've been reluctant to eat freshwater fish because I like the smell of soil," said Instagram user @hindasrie.

"Thanks..I haven't dared to eat freshwater fish because I'm afraid of the smell of soil..I'll try it later..thanks," said Instagram @meriantie15.

"Washing with vinegar and salt is really good for removing the fishy smell that is unclear in fish," wrote the Instagram account @r_aisha232.

"Sometimes I use tamarind, which is what makes the oil turn black after frying fish... turns out you can use vinegar," commented the Instagram account @muslimahkoetay.

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