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30 Agustus 2024 15:00

Tricks for making uduk rice that can last up to 2 days, the secret is in this 1 ingredient

Served with side dishes such as fried chicken, eggs, and chili sauce. Annathiqotul Laduniyah

Brilio.net - Nasi uduk is one of the most popular dishes because of its savory taste and distinctive aroma of spices. Cooked with coconut milk and various spices such as pandan leaves, lemongrass, and bay leaves, nasi uduk offers a rich and delicious taste. This dish is often chosen for breakfast or lunch, served with side dishes such as fried chicken, eggs, and chili sauce.

However, once cooked, uduk rice must be consumed immediately within a short time. Not without reason, uduk rice tends to go stale and smelly if left for just a few hours. Stale uduk rice is usually marked by the smell of sour rice, the texture of the rice becomes sticky, and yellow spots appear on the rice.

Basically, the problem of nasi uduk going stale quickly is mainly caused by the use of coconut milk in the cooking process. Coconut milk which is rich in fat becomes an ideal medium for bacterial growth if the rice is not stored properly. In addition, warm ambient temperatures and humidity can also accelerate the decay process, making nasi uduk lose its fresh aroma and savory taste, and causing an unpleasant sour smell.

Facing this problem, many people try various ways to extend the shelf life of uduk rice, such as storing it in a tightly closed container or keeping the temperature of the rice warm. However, it is still a challenge to keep uduk rice delicious and not stale for a long time. This is because the cooking process also affects the durability of uduk rice if it is to be stored.

Luckily, a YouTube user Dapoerbundaa once shared a simple trick in making long-lasting uduk rice. Through one of the videos uploaded, he admitted that there is one kitchen ingredient that is the main key to making uduk rice last. No half measures, this uduk rice can last a long time and does not go stale for up to 2 days.

As reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Dapoerbundaa on Friday (30/8), the kitchen ingredient in question is coconut milk. Well, this coconut milk must be processed first before being mixed with rice. That way, the uduk rice will not go stale easily when stored.

photo: YouTube/Dapoerbundaa

How to cook it, just prepare the spices first. Saute 3 cloves of garlic and 6 cloves of sliced shallots. When it is fragrant and cooked, set it aside first. Next, pour 4 glasses of water in a pan. Then boil it with 2 stalks of lemongrass and 3 bay leaves.

photo: YouTube/Dapoerbundaa

To make it even more savory, add 2 tsp of salt and 1 tbsp of mushroom stock. Stir until boiling. When it boils, add the instant coconut milk. Now, to prevent it from breaking, use high heat at the beginning of the boiling process. Then keep stirring until the coconut milk dissolves. When the coconut milk has dissolved, reduce the heat and boil until boiling.

"You don't need to cook the coconut milk for too long, just until it boils," said YouTube Dapoerbundaa.

photo: YouTube/Dapoerbundaa

Once it boils, turn off the heat and keep stirring until the steam starts to disappear. Then put the coconut milk into the inner pot or rice cooker pan that has been filled with 4 cups of washed rice. Then add the onion oil (used to fry garlic and shallots).

photo: YouTube/Dapoerbundaa

Next, stir until evenly mixed. Then close the rice cooker and cook as usual until cooked. When it is cooked, open the rice cooker and stir so that the rice does not dry out. That way, uduk rice is ready to be consumed for a heavy meal with side dishes.

"This recipe can last for 2 days," explained YouTube Dapoerbundaa.

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