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31 Juli 2024 06:00

Tricks for making cassava getuk so that the results are more fragrant, don't crumble easily and go stale quickly

The ingredients for making getuk are also simple and the capital is economical. Shahfara Raida
YouTube/Dapur Putri Mama Juna

Brilio.net - Getuk is known as a traditional snack made from cassava. It is said that the name getuk was determined because this food is made by pounding. So, during the process of pounding the getuk dough, there is a 'tuk-tuk' sound, that's why this snack is called getuk.

Getuk is often sold on the market, but you can also make it yourself at home. The ingredients for making getuk are also simple and the capital is economical. However, many people often make mistakes about the tricks for making it, so getuk crumbles easily and goes stale quickly.

If you still often have difficulty making this traditional food , you can try the trick for making cassava getuk from the YouTube account user Dapur Putri Mama Juna at home. Apart from making it less easily destroyed and lasting longer, this trick for making cassava getuk also makes the dish more fragrant.

photo: YouTube/Mama Juna's Daughter's Kitchen

Initially, first prepare the cassava which has been peeled and cut into pieces. Wash, drain and steam the cassava pieces. Make sure the water in the steaming pan is heated first, so that the cassava can cook quickly. Steam the cassava for a few minutes until soft and cracked.

photo: YouTube/Mama Juna's Daughter's Kitchen

After steaming, set the cassava aside first. Next, also steam the grated coconut which has been mixed with a little salt. Yup, this grated coconut must be steamed first so that your homemade getuk doesn't go stale quickly.

"We'll just steam it for a while. Actually, it's also fine if you don't steam it, but if you don't steam it it will go stale quickly," emphasized the netizen who is familiarly known as Mama Juna, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube Mama Juna's Putri Kitchen on Tuesday (30/7).

photo: YouTube/Mama Juna's Daughter's Kitchen

While waiting for the grated coconut to be steamed, prepare a bowl with a plastic bottom. Then place the steamed cassava on top. When the grated coconut is cooked, mix it directly with the cassava.

Stir while pounding using a pestle. When the cassava is half crushed, add the granulated sugar. Pound the getuk mixture again until the texture becomes softer.

Next, add margarine and vanilla powder. So, margarine will work to soften and make the getuk dough less likely to crumble when shaped later. Meanwhile, vanilla will make the getuk even more fragrant.

Pound the getuk mixture again until it is really soft, then transfer it to the table. Flatten the getuk dough with a rolling pin and trim the edges. Cut the getuk into pieces according to your taste.

photo: YouTube/Mama Juna's Daughter's Kitchen

After cutting, the getuk can be transferred to a serving plate, then add the garnish of grated coconut and chopped pandan leaves. Cassava getuk is ready to be served.

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