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5 Juli 2024 12:01

This mother's way of feeding children who have trouble eating has proven to be successful, it's unique, but pay attention to cleanliness

The challenge of children having difficulty eating is faced by many parents. Nadhifah

Brilio.net - Entering the age of 6 months, a baby can start to consume solid food . Complementary foods for breast milk (MPASI) are usually deliberately made with a thick but very soft texture so that babies can easily swallow them.

You can choose to make your own food for your children at home. That way, you can find out what food ingredients are used and maintain their hygiene.

Unfortunately, following children's frequently changing eating patterns is a difficult problem. Often children have difficulty eating even though they have tried various methods. For example, changing the menu every day or changing meal times. If children are allowed to have difficulty eating, of course their nutritional needs will not be met.

The challenge of children having difficulty eating was also experienced by TikTok user @axtonanneskai. In one of their video uploads, these mothers admitted that they almost gave up when feeding their children. The reason is, it is very difficult for the child to eat even though the MPASI menu has been changed.

photo: TikTok/@axtonanneskai

But mothers always want the best for their children. As reported by BrilioFood from the TikTok account @axtonanneskai on Thursday (4/7), he doesn't seem to just give up. To get their children to open their mouths, these mothers rely on unique eating utensils. In his video upload, he put MPASI on the surface of his child's dinosaur-shaped toy.

photo: TikTok/@axtonanneskai

Sure enough, the child finally opened his mouth and devoured the MPASI that was on top of his toy. This suddenly made these mothers happy because finally their children could eat the MPASI they made.

This video, which contains funny moments that occur when feeding a child, immediately became the focus of many people. The reason is, incidents like this are also experienced by many other mothers. This is proven in the comments on the video.

"Eat with a shovel, eat with a gallon, here we eat with a dino. that random little kid huh? including my child," wrote the TikTok account @Hafsa ID.

"My son is 8 months old, GTM, when he is fed with Barbie's feet, he gasps," said the TikTok account @bundanya Nadhifa.

"My child uses an AC remote, sometimes he uses elephant ears," said the TikTok account @Moonlight.

These unique eating utensils can actually be used to feed children. However, make sure you wash your hands and wash the eating utensils you use. If not, as reported by thespruce.com, bacteria and germs that enter a child's body will disrupt their growth and development, cause infections and even illness.

It is best if the eating utensils used have been washed clean first. Not only that, some people even deliberately soak children's eating utensils in hot water before using them.

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