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6 Agustus 2024 21:00

The husband's ridiculous behavior of being told to go to the market to buy kitchen spices is very related, Rp. 50 thousand flying around

Whose husband is like this when told to go shopping? Shahfara Raida
The husband's ridiculous behavior of being told to go to the market to buy kitchen spices is very related, Rp. 50 thousand flying around foto: TikTok/@sensheny

Brilio.net - When married, husband and wife really have to help each other to make work at home easier. Husband and wife can take turns doing activities at home such as washing dishes, sweeping, mopping, cleaning the yard, changing lights , and even shopping for cooking ingredients at the market.

However, sometimes ridiculous incidents occur when husband and wife work together to complete household chores, as experienced by TikTok account user @sensheny. Through her upload, she shared the moment when she told her husband to go to the market to buy kitchen spices to complement cooking at home.

photo: TikTok/@sensheny

Unexpectedly, after her husband returned from the market, the woman who is familiarly called Sheny was automatically surprised to see how big the shopping bags her husband was carrying. After investigating, the Rp. 50,000 that my husband brought as spending capital was not enough to buy all the spices, you know.

" It's worth bringing less than 50 thousand, " he wrote in the caption of the TikTok upload @sensheny, quoted by BrilioFood on Tuesday (6/8).

photo: TikTok/@sensheny

Sheny previously asked her husband to buy lemongrass, galangal and ginger. The contents of the shopping bag are correct, but the amount is really a lot or you could say excessive. Her husband bought 1 bunch of lemongrass and 1 plastic each of turmeric and ginger. I don't know what price the seller sets for all these spices .

photo: TikTok/@sensheny

On the other hand, Sheny also showed another shopping bag that her husband had brought, which contained limes. Sheny admitted that previously she only asked her husband to buy 2 limes. However, what her husband bought was 2 kilograms. Sheny could only laugh bitterly at the results of her husband's purchases.

Taking a peek at this video belonging to TikTok @sensheny, quite a few men left comments admitting that they had also done things that were no less ridiculous. In fact, there are also those who give reasons why men often shop in large quantities when told to go to the market.

There are always many reasons why men buy
1. because I'm embarrassed
2. It's not as good as those selling it if you buy a little
3. so that you don't get asked again ," said TikTok @.

" I was told to buy 3 thousand lime leaves... because I was embarrassed, so I bought 20 thousand. "I thought I would get a little, I didn't know I would get half a sack, " explained TikTok @den_isa14.

" I once bought water spinach, then I just said 10 thousand to the vegetable boss. When I put it in the plastic, how come it didn't run out?! When asked what it was for, bro, I said the reflex was to eat rabbits ," said TikTok @anaksulung.

" My wife told me to buy 2 strips of ind*mie and 1 strip of mixagrip. but didn't buy 2dos of ind*mie n 1 box of mixagrip for stock. "It's not a thank you, it's a scolding, " wrote TikTok @rangga.

Apart from fathers, there are also a number of mothers who feel they relate to the incident experienced by the TikTok account user @sensheny.

" Just leave it alone, let me cook some stir-fried vegetables ," said TikTok @anisadelaoktavia.

" It turns out it's all the same if you're told to buy it, " said TikTok @;.

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