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20 November 2024 14:00

Often overlooked, it turns out this is an important function of the lines on the tip of chopsticks that not many people know about.

Not just decoration, the circular lines on the tip of the chopsticks have an important function, you know. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
Often overlooked, it turns out this is an important function of the lines on the tip of chopsticks that not many people know about. foto: Instagram/@rlinachang

Brilio.net - Chopsticks are one of the most iconic eating utensils , especially in Asian countries. Used for thousands of years, chopsticks not only function as eating utensils but also reflect rich culture and tradition. Each country has its own unique style and etiquette of using chopsticks. In Indonesia itself, chopsticks have been widely used to eat various types of noodles.

Using chopsticks may seem simple, but it takes skill to master. For many people outside of Asia, learning to use chopsticks can be a challenging but enjoyable experience. With a variety of materials and designs, from wooden and bamboo chopsticks to metal and plastic, these cutlery are often the choice.

But among the many types of chopsticks, many now choose to use disposable wooden chopsticks. These disposable wooden chopsticks are lightweight, making them easier to use. Therefore, many restaurants or eateries choose them.

Well, one of the iconic things about disposable wooden chopsticks is the circle at the end. Many people think that this circle line is just for decoration. In fact, this circle line has an important function , you know.

photo: Instagram/@rlinachang

An Instagram user @rlinachang once revealed the important function of the circular line on the top of wooden chopsticks. Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @rlinachang on Wednesday (11/20), this line functions as a marker. So the tip of the wooden chopsticks can be used as a chopstick rest when used.

photo: Instagram/@rlinachang

To be more precise, the line will be used as a marker to break the tip of the chopsticks. You can immediately bend the tip of the chopsticks right on the circle line, then break it until it comes off. Well, the broken tip of the chopsticks can just be placed on the table.

photo: Instagram/@rlinachang

When you want to put away used chopsticks (or to keep them from getting dirty), you can place the tip on the broken piece of chopsticks. In essence, this piece of chopsticks is used as a base so that the tip of the chopsticks does not directly touch the table. Although it is quite trivial, this is very useful, isn't it? So you can keep the chopsticks clean every time you use them.

Since it was uploaded on Saturday (11/19), the video about the other function of chopsticks has been watched more than 1 million times. It is not surprising that many other Instagram users have also responded directly through the comments column. Most of these netizens admitted that they had just found out about the function.

" I thought it was just to make it look more plain ," replied Instagram @batrisyia.sidoarjo.

" Oh my gosh, that's what it's for, " said Instagram user @piesilvia.

" Simple.. but I just found out, sis...,, thank you, sis ," wrote the Instagram account @liasafitri22.

" Thanks sis, I was confused about where to put the chopsticks ," commented the Instagram account @noel.rahman98.

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