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21 April 2024 10:32

No need to put it in the freezer, here's a trick for storing spring roll skin so it doesn't get moldy quickly using 1 tool

Lasts longer, doesn't get moldy. Shahfara Raida
No need to put it in the freezer, here's a trick for storing spring roll skin so it doesn't get moldy quickly using 1 tool YouTube/1708yeni cooking

Brilio.net - Spring roll skins can be transformed into various snack menus. Apart from spring rolls, this ingredient can also be made into aromatic bananas, chocolate bananas, mini martabaks, spring roll skin chips, and many more. For snack fans, spring roll skins are really suitable to stock in the refrigerator so you can immediately make them when you want to snack at home.

However, spring roll skins should not be stored carelessly, OK? The reason is, this food ingredient can become damp and moldy if you don't know the tricks for storing it. Many people choose to store spring roll skins in the freezer to make them last longer.

However, spring rolls stored in the freezer will add to your homework. The reason is that the spring roll skin must first be left at room temperature for several minutes or even 1 hour before use, so that the texture doesn't freeze again.

So, so you don't have to store it in the freezer, you can copy the trick shared by YouTube account user 1708yeni cooking. After investigating, this trick can make spring roll skin last longer, without getting moldy even if you don't store it in the freezer, you know.

"So the spring roll skin doesn't get moldy, doesn't smell sour, it's still flexible even if it's been more than 10 days," he said, quoted by BrilioFood on Sunday (21/4).

The trick for storing spring roll skin so it doesn't get moldy quickly uses 1 tool.

The only tool you need to help store spring roll skin is tissue. Make sure the tissue you use is thick enough and doesn't tear easily. Spread out 2 sheets of tissue, then place 4 to 5 sheets of spring roll skin on top.

Next, roll up the tissue with the spring roll skin, making sure the tissue can protect all parts of the spring roll skin. If so, do the same thing with the remaining spring roll skin that hasn't been rolled yet.

photo: YouTube/1708yeni cooking

After that, place all the spring roll skins that have been rolled with tissue in the plastic. Apart from plastic, you can also use jars. Then, store the spring roll skins in the refrigerator chiller.

The function of the tissue that rolls the spring roll skin is to absorb the moisture in the spring roll skin, so that the spring roll skin will not easily become moldy for days while it is stored.

photo: YouTube/1708yeni cooking

How about it, this trick for storing spring roll skins is really practical, isn't it? Taking a peek at 1708yeni cooking's YouTube upload, apart from having been watched 7,000 times, the comments column is also filled with enthusiasm from netizens about this trick, you know.

Tricks so that the spring roll skin doesn't tear easily.

Torn spring roll skin is really annoying. It turns out that the way spring roll skin is processed or used plays an important role in ensuring that this material doesn't tear easily. Here's a trick so that the spring roll skin doesn't tear easily.

1. Selection of materials.

Make sure the materials used are of good quality. Use the right wheat flour to make spring roll dough that is elastic and flexible.

2. Proportions of ingredients.

Make sure the proportions of ingredients such as flour, water and oil are according to the recipe used. The right ratio will produce a dough that is consistent and easy to process.

3. Rest the dough.

After mixing the dough, let it rest for some time, usually around 30 minutes. This rest allows the gluten in the wheat flour to develop, making the dough more elastic and easier to work with.

4. Use of oil.

Brush a little oil on the surface of the dough before rolling and cutting. This will help prevent the dough from sticking and tearing when rolling.

5. Proper rolling technique.

When rolling the spring roll skin, make sure to do it carefully and not too tightly. Too much pressure when rolling can cause tears in the skin.

6. Proper packaging.

Store spring roll skins in an airtight container or wrap in plastic cling wrap to keep them moist and pliable.

7. Proper warm-up.

When rolling or using spring roll skin, make sure to give it a little time to adapt to room temperature. Too cold or too hot can make the spring roll skin become brittle.

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