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16 Juni 2024 16:30

No need to bother boiling first, here's how to tenderize goat meat in 15 minutes using 1 kitchen ingredient

This method is suitable for those of you who don't want to waste time making tender lamb meat. Shahfara Raida
No need to bother boiling first, here's how to tenderize goat meat in 15 minutes using 1 kitchen ingredient foto: YouTube/Spice ‘N’ Cream

Brilio.net - Goat meat is often served at special occasions, such as Eid al-Adha, Eid al-Fitr, aqikah, weddings, and so on. Anyone who has a hobby of cooking can experiment with processing this meat, either into curry, satay, steak, soto, tongseng, and many more.

However, when preparing goat meat, you must pay attention to the cooking duration. The reason is, this animal meat has quite a lot of fiber, so it tends to take a long time to cook until tender. In fact, it's not uncommon for people to have to cook goat meat for up to 2 or 3 hours so that it becomes tender, you know.

The most common technique for tenderizing goat meat is boiling, either using water alone or adding other ingredients. There are a number of ingredients that are believed to help speed up tender goat meat when boiled, for example by adding guava leaves, bay leaves, pineapple, and others.

However, if you don't want to waste a long time boiling it, goat meat can be tenderized in other ways, you know. One method was shared by netizens on the Spice 'N' Cream YouTube account. This man explained that you can practice this method in just 15 minutes relying on one kitchen ingredient.

Before starting the method, first prepare 1 bowl. Then, put 1.5 teaspoons of baking soda into the bowl. Yup, this one kitchen ingredient is the ninja's way to tenderize goat meat. Then, dissolve the baking soda with enough water.

photo: YouTube/Spice 'N' Cream

After the baking soda has dissolved, immediately soak all the pieces of goat meat in it. Then cover the container and let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes. The owner of the Spice 'N' Cream YouTube account explains that you can also practice this method on lamb or beef.

photo: YouTube/Spice 'N' Cream

After soaking for at least 15 minutes, rinse the meat before cooking it into any dish you like. This washing process removes the baking soda taste left on the meat. That way, the taste of the meat is not contaminated with baking soda.

"Wash 2-3 times with fresh water before cooking (Wash 2 to 3 times with clean water before cooking)," emphasized the owner of the Spice 'N' Cream YouTube account, quoted by BrilioFood on Sunday (16/6).

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