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12 April 2024 21:00

No need for a knife, this is how to quickly peel garlic, just use 1 simple tool

Garlic has a smooth and thin epidermis, making the process of peeling garlic take a long time. Nadhifah
No need for a knife, this is how to quickly peel garlic, just use 1 simple tool foto: YouTube/Endah Rosriani

Brilio.net - Garlic is one of the mandatory spices that is often used for cooking. The pungent aroma of garlic is thought to make dishes more appetizing. Not only that, the taste of the food becomes even more delicious and makes you addicted.

Before use, garlic must be peeled first. Unfortunately, peeling garlic is quite difficult and easy. The reason is, garlic has a smooth and thin epidermis. This is what makes the process of peeling garlic take a long time.

As a solution, some people deliberately cut the tip of the garlic with a knife. If that's the case, just peel off the garlic skin with your fingers. That way, you can immediately use garlic for cooking.

But don't just use a knife, it turns out there are other tools that can be used to peel garlic. The method was demonstrated by TikTok user @learngreen. Even without a knife, the way to peel garlic is fast and practical, you know.

How to peel garlic without a knife.

Reported by BrilioFood from TikTok @learngreen, one tool in question is tweezers. A tool usually used to clamp or pluck small objects that are difficult for human fingers to grasp, such as hair or fur. To do this, hold a bulb of garlic in your hand and press the top using tweezers.

photo: TikTok/@learngreen

Once the top is off, peel the garlic skin one by one using the tip of tweezers. Because the stump has been removed, this process is easier and more practical.

photo: TikTok/@learngreen

You can put all the garlic whose skin has been peeled off in a container. By peeling the skin like this, no part of the garlic is cut. This reduces the risk of your hands being contaminated with the strong smell of garlic.

photo: TikTok/@learngreen

How to store garlic so it doesn't rot quickly.

Here are several ways to store garlic so it doesn't rot quickly.

1. Store in a cool and dry place.

Garlic should be stored in a cool, dry place and protected from direct sunlight. For example, place garlic in a basket or container that provides ventilation.

2. Don't store it in the refrigerator.

Although the refrigerator keeps humidity low, garlic doesn't actually need very low temperatures. Garlic is best stored in the kitchen at room temperature.

3. Keep away from high humidity.

High humidity can cause mold growth and rot in garlic. So make sure garlic is stored in a fairly dry place.

4. Store in a perforated container.

Garlic requires good ventilation to avoid moisture accumulation that can trigger mold growth. You can store it in a perforated container or cloth bag that allows air circulation.

5. Do not wash garlic before storing.

Washing garlic before storing can increase the risk of spoilage because it increases humidity. It's best to only clean garlic when you are going to use it.

By following the steps above, you can extend the shelf life of your garlic and avoid rapid spoilage.

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