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13 Mei 2024 23:59

Instead of sanding and repainting, this is a trick to remove rust from a motorbike exhaust using 1 kitchen ingredient

This kitchen ingredient can make the exhaust shine and be free from rust. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
Instead of sanding and repainting, this is a trick to remove rust from a motorbike exhaust using 1 kitchen ingredient foto: YouTube/Yusuf MotoBoy

Brilio.net - Motorcycle exhaust is an important component that is susceptible to rust. Rust can form when the exhaust is exposed to rainwater, water vapor and chemicals on the road. Rust problems on the exhaust not only damage the aesthetics of the vehicle, but can also disrupt the performance of the exhaust and engine as a whole.

Rust prevention can be done by cleaning the exhaust regularly and protecting it from exposure to rust-causing elements. Using exhaust protection when parking in damp or dusty areas can help reduce the risk of rust. Apart from that, carrying out regular engine maintenance is also important to reduce the amount of corrosive exhaust gases in the exhaust.

However, if the motorbike exhaust is already rusty, you must immediately take action. To remove rust from a motorbike exhaust, some people usually rub it with sandpaper. There are also those who choose to repaint their motorbike exhaust to make it look even newer.

But apart from these two methods, there are other, more practical and effective ways to remove rust from motorbike exhaust . A YouTube user named Yusuf once shared a trick to remove rust from a motorbike exhaust using simple ingredients found in the kitchen. Through Yusuf MotoBoy's YouTube account, he revealed more about the kitchen ingredients used.

Reported by BrilioFood on Monday (13/5), the kitchen ingredient used was dishwashing soap. So, so that the rust can be removed optimally, he also added citrus. As for the tools, just prepare wire wool.

photo: YouTube/Yusuf MotoBoy

To use, simply mix dish soap and citron in a container containing 200-300 ml of water. Next, stir all these ingredients until they are dissolved and evenly distributed.

photo: YouTube/Yusuf MotoBoy

So, apply this liquid to the entire exhaust body that has been dismantled from the motorbike. Use wire wool to scrub the rusty surface of the exhaust. While rubbing, rinse occasionally to check for areas that are still rusty. Then apply soap and rub again until the exhaust is completely clean.

Finally, rinse the exhaust with running water until the soap and rust are removed. Next, dry it in the sun until the exhaust is dry. Only then will the shiny exhaust be ready to be installed on the motorbike as before.

Viewed more than 239 thousand times, this video about tricks for removing rust from motorbike exhausts immediately caught the attention of netizens. It's not surprising that many other YouTube users are interested and provide direct responses in the comments column. Some of them also provide other tricks for removing rust from motorbike exhausts.

" Don't forget to wear rubber gloves, " said YouTube @fachrimuhamad6799.

" It's even better to give me toothpaste, bro ," said YouTube @gilangs3246.

" I think using sandpaper is faster. And it's the same as using a frying pan. It's just as rough ," said YouTube @andreasdakhi7179.

" Sitrum is really effective in removing rust, " said YouTube @liuhenki87.

" Thank you, Mas, " said YouTube @krissubrata7545.

Tips for caring for your motorbike exhaust so it doesn't become porous

Taking good care of your motorbike exhaust can extend its lifespan and maintain engine performance. Here are nine tips for caring for your motorbike exhaust so it doesn't become porous:

1. Clean regularly.

Clean the exhaust regularly with water and mild soap to remove stuck dirt and dust. Do not use harsh chemicals or rough brushes that can damage the outer layer of the exhaust.

2. Dry well.

Make sure the exhaust is thoroughly dry after cleaning or after being exposed to rainwater. Leftover water can cause corrosion if left for a long time.

3. Use protection.

Use an exhaust protector to protect the surface from scratches and damage. This protector can also help keep the exhaust temperature stable.

4. Avoid corrosive substances.

Avoid using cleaning agents or lubricants that contain corrosive substances that can damage the exhaust lining.

5. Check and replace heat sink.

Check the exhaust heat damper regularly and replace it if there is damage or leaks. A damaged heat absorber can cause the exhaust to overheat and accelerate exhaust failure.

6. Use quality fuel.

Use good quality fuel and according to the manufacturer's recommendations to avoid the formation of residue that can damage the exhaust.

7. Avoid excessive heating.

Avoid heating the engine for a long time without a clear reason, because this can overheat the exhaust and speed up the corrosion process.

8. Pay attention to the exhaust when parking the motorbike.

When parking the motorbike, make sure the exhaust does not come into direct contact with rough or dirty surfaces that could damage the outer layer of the exhaust.

9. Do regular checks.

Carry out regular checks at the workshop to ensure the exhaust is in good condition and has no damage that could cause damage.

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