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28 Februari 2024 15:02

Instead of adding salt, this is a trick for boiling cassava leaves so they are soft and the color remains bright green

The bright green color of cassava leaves will increase your appetite~ Shahfara Raida
Instead of adding salt, this is a trick for boiling cassava leaves so they are soft and the color remains bright green YouTube/Hanna Zainnurika0102

Brilio.net - Cassava leaves are often used as a mainstay vegetable menu at home. The reason is, this green vegetable has a fresh taste and is really suitable to eat with warm rice, various side dishes and chili sauce.

Cassava leaves are also believed to contain many health benefits, you know. Reporting from research published by ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, cassava leaves contain quite high levels of protein, vitamins A and C, and fiber. It is believed that a number of nutrients in cassava leaves can strengthen the body's immune system, reduce weight, prevent hypertension, and so on.

Cassava leaves can also be processed using various cooking techniques, you know. However, usually before processing, cassava leaves must be boiled first so that the texture is soft. Unfortunately, many people still make mistakes about the trick of boiling cassava leaves , so that even though the results are soft, the color sometimes turns pale or brownish. So it's not appetizing, right?

Usually, to keep the color of cassava leaves green, quite a few people choose to boil them with additional salt. However, this is different from netizen YouTube user Hanna Zainnurika0102. This woman has a trick for boiling cassava that doesn't require any additional ingredients, but the result is still soft and bright green, you know.

Tricks for boiling cassava leaves so they are soft and the color remains bright green.

First, prepare a frying pan or pan filled with water, then boil it using a high stove heat. When it's boiling, add all the cassava leaves that have been washed clean. Wait a few moments, stirring occasionally, until the texture becomes soft.

photo: YouTube/Hanna Zainnurika0102

No need to wait long, immediately lift, drain the cassava leaves, and soak them in a container filled with water. The netizen who is familiarly called Hanna explained that the process of soaking cassava leaves in cold water helps stop the leaf ripening process, so that the texture is just right and the color remains green.

"We soak it in cold water," he explained, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube Hanna Zainnurika0102 on Wednesday (28/2).

photo: YouTube/Hanna Zainnurika0102

What if you usually boil cassava leaves? Interested in trying tricks like those in Hanna Zainnurika0102's YouTube upload? Taking a peek at the comments column on this video, which has been watched more than 300 times, quite a few netizens feel helped by this trick, you know.

How to use cassava leaves for beauty, can be used for skincare.

Cassava leaves can not only be consumed, but can also be transformed into skincare to improve skin health, you know. Take a peek at a number of methods below.

1. Face mask.

Cassava leaves can be ground and mixed with other ingredients such as honey, yogurt, or coconut oil to make a natural facial mask. This mask can help refresh the skin, reduce redness, and provide hydration.

2. Skin cleanser.

Cassava leaf boiled water can be used as a natural skin cleanser. Simply soak cotton wool or a clean cloth in cooled boiled cassava leaf water, then use it to clean your face.

3. Facial tonic.

Cassava leaf water can also be used as a natural tonic to tighten and refresh facial skin. Use it by applying it with cotton wool or spraying it directly onto your face after cleansing.

4. Acne treatment.

Cassava leaves have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can help reduce inflammation and treat acne. You can apply juice or gel from cassava leaves directly to the area affected by acne.

5. Exfoliation.

Using cassava leaf extract in a scrub or exfoliation can help remove dead skin cells and stimulate the regeneration of new cells, making skin look brighter and smoother.

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