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23 Juli 2024 01:01

Instead of adding potatoes or sugar, this is a trick to overcome food that is too salty by using 1 type of fruit

The reasons why food is too salty can vary. Annathiqotul Laduniyah

Brilio.net - Food that is too salty is a problem for every cook, both in home and restaurant kitchens. Excess salt can destroy the balance of flavors and turn a dish that should be delicious into something unpalatable. Even a favorite dish can lose its appeal if the salt content is excessive. Not without reason, excess salt can make the tongue feel dry and uncomfortable.

The reasons why food is too salty can vary, from measurement errors to using ingredients that already contain high levels of salt. Sometimes, adding salt at the end of the cooking process without tasting it first can also be the cause. Other factors such as cooking liquid shrinking or reducing during the cooking process can make the concentration of salty taste higher.

To overcome this, some people usually add certain ingredients that have a neutral taste, such as potatoes. Apart from that, there are also those who add sugar and water to neutralize the excess salty taste in the dish. But did you know, sugar and water can also change the overall taste of the dish, you know.

So, to be safer, you can use the trick shared by Instagram user @melizah21 to deal with dishes that are too salty. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he did not use potatoes, sugar or even water. However, there is one fruit that can be relied on to reduce the salty taste of cooking.

Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @melizah21 on Monday (22/7), the fruit in question is cucumber. Well, this cucumber has a neutral taste and quite high water content. Therefore, this fruit is suitable for treating dishes that are too salty.

photo: Instagram/@melizah21

How to use cucumber is quite easy . Prepare a small piece of cucumber first. After that, wash it until it is completely clean. Then immediately add it to dishes that taste too salty.

photo: Instagram/@melizah21

Next, stir the dish briefly and let it sit for a few moments. Basically, cucumbers have a relatively neutral and fresh taste. This taste can help neutralize excessive saltiness without adding a new, dominant taste.

When it has been cooked for a few minutes, turn off the stove heat. Then check the taste. Because cucumber has been added, the salty taste of the dish will be much reduced. That way, you can eat the dish without worrying about your tongue feeling dry or uncomfortable because of the saltiness.

photo: Instagram/@melizah21

Viewed more than 3 million times, the video uploaded on Friday (19/7) immediately caught the attention of netizens. Looking at the comments column, a number of Instagram users admitted that they had just found out about this trick. Therefore, they also want to try using cucumber when the food they are making tastes too salty.

"Wow, I just found out that cucumbers can also be used using potatoes all this time," explained Instagram @shakha.homey.

"For fish soup, I usually add lime juice. I just found out that I can use cucumber," said Instagram @ochaaprilia23.

"If I use the tip, after it's cooked, just cover it for about 10 minutes, God willing, it will taste just right. This is a tip my mother and aunt taught me for salty dishes," commented the Instagram account @genuine_phj.

"Oh, what cooking looks really delicious, you can give some tips too, because I'm a team that likes salty cooking," wrote the Instagram account @rumahummii.

"You can put it on the cucumber," said Instagram @fastabiqul_khairat148.

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