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10 November 2024 07:30

Easy tricks to distinguish pure white tofu from tofu containing formalin

Pay attention to the texture of the tofu to identify the formalin content. Brilio.net
Easy tricks to distinguish pure white tofu from tofu containing formalin foto: YouTube/Fina Ardiana12

Brilio.net - Formalin is a food preservative that has been banned from being used in food. However, unfortunately, formalin is still often found in several types of food, including tofu. This practice is often carried out by irresponsible tofu producers in order to gain more profit without thinking about consumer health.

Consuming tofu containing formalin can cause various health risks. Based on research published on healthopenresearch.org, the dangers of consuming tofu containing formalin include headaches, sleep disorders, nasal inflammation, skin irritation, and the risk of cancer. Of course, this is very worrying.

To avoid such risks, it is important to be more selective when buying tofu. Tofu containing formalin has specific characteristics. You can easily distinguish between pure tofu and tofu containing formalin.

A YouTube user named Fina once shared an easy way to distinguish pure tofu from tofu containing formalin. Through the YouTube channel Fina Ardiana12, she appears to display two different tofus. One is pure tofu, and the other is tofu containing formalin.

As reported by BrilioFood on Sunday (10/11), the way to distinguish this tofu can be seen from its texture, color, and aroma. To see the texture, you can touch or press the surface of the tofu a little.

photo: YouTube/Fina Ardiana12

When the tofu on the left is pressed, a little crack appears (easily crumbled). Well, this indicates that the tofu is pure or made from real soybeans. Unlike the tofu on the right, which when pressed, the texture of the tofu appears more chewy and tough. This chewy and non-crumbling tofu indicates that the tofu has been given additional formalin.

photo: YouTube/Fina Ardiana12

In addition to texture, this tofu can also be distinguished by its color. The tofu on the left (which is not formalin) has a pale white color. While the tofu with formalin is actually clean and bright white.

photo: YouTube/Fina Ardiana12

When cut, the cavity inside the tofu will be visible. Well, pure tofu tends to have many cavities inside. Unlike tofu containing formalin, the inside is smooth and flat. There is not the slightest cavity inside the tofu.

photo: YouTube/Fina Ardiana12

Furthermore, the YouTube user also explained that tofu containing formalin tends to last longer when stored at room temperature. If ideally pure tofu can only last 1-2 days at room temperature, tofu containing formalin can actually last longer than that.

In terms of aroma, pure tofu has a distinctive protein smell from soybeans. However, this is not the case with tofu containing formalin. This formalin tofu actually has a pungent aroma like medicine, which indicates that the tofu has been given formalin preservatives.

Viewed more than 20 thousand times, this video immediately caught the attention of netizens. Who would have thought, many other YouTube users also gave direct responses in the comments column. One of them admitted to being grateful for having received new, useful knowledge.

"Thank you, now I know how to differentiate between tofu," said YouTube @TemplMusic.

"Nowadays, many teenagers and young people are dying from cancer and tumors, the cause is the preservatives formalin and borax and artificial colorings circulating in the market," said YouTube @firmanrudiansyahbakriesrba3484.

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